




1. この一言で腑に落ちる?



  1. サムライ時代の芸者ハウスの建物と雰囲気がそのまま体感できるタイムトラベルゾーンです。
    • 👉知らないインバウンドも多い「江戸時代」より国際語「samurai」で関心を高めたい例です。
  2. 京都と金沢にしかない現存する芸者&お茶屋エリアとして国が認定した貴重な文化資産です。
    • 👉昨今流行りのテーマパークではない、純粋な文化的な価値で興味をそそる例です。
  3. 市中に散在していた芸者ハウスを約2百年前に市の外れに集約させ今も続く歓楽街です。
    • 👉「なぜ集約?」と、日本人の考え方への興味をそそる例です。


  1. It is like a time-travel zone, allowing visitors to experience the buildings and atmosphere of a geisha house from the samurai era.
    • 👉建築価値を伝えたいので’building’は’structure’等もアリですね。
  2. It is a valuable cultural asset designated by the government as the only existing geisha and teahouse area in Kyoto and Kanazawa.
    • 👉インバウンドの多くは固有名詞に関心が薄いので具体的な指定名は敢えて触れない例です。
  3. It is a historic entertainment district where geisha houses that were once scattered throughout the city were concentrated on the outskirts about two hundred years ago.
    • 👉ここでは”historical”でなく”historic”で歴史的重要性を強調しています。


the only existing (唯一現存する)a historic entertainment district (歴史的歓楽街)be scattered throughout~(~に散らばっていて)on the outskirts of~(~の外れの場所に)*本文では’of the city’が省略されています。




  1. 建物は「虫かご」と呼ぶ独特の格子で覆われていて、マジックミラーのによう中からだけ見える構造になっています。
    • 👉これも「なぜ?」でそそる例です。ご存知の通り台形の形状ですが、相手の関心度がまだ測れませんので、ここでは触れていません。
  2. 当時のお茶屋の建物が残っていて、一般住宅にない階段、中庭、楽器等が鑑賞できます。
    • 👉ネットでご存知の通りですが、ここでも固有名詞は控えます。


  1. The building is adorned with a distinctive lattice known as a ‘bug cage,’ which allows an inside view to the outside, much like a magical mirror.
  2. The teahouse buildings from that era have been preserved, allowing visitors to admire unique features such as the staircase, courtyard, and musical instruments that are not typically found in ordinary houses.


  1. 芸者は正式には芸妓と言い、今も昔の通りの踊り、楽曲、歌をお客様に披露します。
  2. 昔からの「一見さんお断り」ポリシーのままですが、必要な手続きを踏めば鑑賞できます。


  1. ‘Geisha’ are officially called ‘geiko’, and they still perform dances, tunes, and songs to their guests as they did in the samurai era.
  2. The traditional “no first-time visitors” policy is still in place, but you can view the show if you follow the necessary procedures.


  1. 当時からの芸者ファッションつまり接待用の着物姿が鑑賞できます。
    • 👉「私も見たい」と思わせたいですね。
  2. 茶屋街を着物で歩くためのレンタルショップがあり好みの着物が試せます。
    • 👉「私も着てみたい」と思いますかね?


  1. Visitors can appreciate the geisha fashion from that time, that is, wearing kimonos for entertainment.
  2. There are some rental stores where you can try on kimonos of your choice for walking in the teahouse district.


  1. 金沢が市場独占する金箔を、飲み物やスイーツにトッピングして食べられます。
    • 👉金沢が金箔市場独占は意外と知られていません。
  2. 本来お茶屋は茶を買ったり飲んだりする所ではない為、今は茶道でお茶が楽しめるお店もあります。
    • 👉「お茶屋」を昔の喫茶店と勘違いしているインバウンド向けですね。


  1. Gold leaf, which Kanazawa dominates the market for, is available as a topping for drinks and sweets.
    • 👉若者向けのセリフかもですね。
  2. Since a traditional ‘teahouse’ is not a place to buy or drink tea, there are now stores where tea can be enjoyed in a tea ceremony service.
    • 👉シニアにはこちらのセリフの方が響くかも。


  1. 市民の堕落や贅沢を恐れる政府がここに隔離した訳が理解できるほど華やかでワクワク空間です。
    • 👉「まじめな日本人像」を持つインバウンドであれば、そそるセリフかも?
  2. 現代人が作ったテーマパークを見まごう程、飲み、食い、買い、観る、遊ぶが揃ってます。
    • 👉上のセリフは滑りそうと思ったら、これで試してみて!


  1. It is such a beautiful and captivating place that people can understand why the samurai government, concerned about the corruption and extravagance of its citizens, chose to sequester it here.
    • 👉かなり長い文になりましたので、コンマの所で少し間をあけた方が、よりわかりよいかも。
  2. It has everything you need for eating, drinking, shopping, watching, and playing to the point where some might mistake it for an artificial theme park.
    • 👉日本人の合理的なところがうまく伝わればよいですが。

be adorned with~(~で飾られている) a distinctive lattice pattern(特徴的な格子模様) resembling a ‘bug cage,’(虫かごのように)only be seen from the inside(中からだけ見える)akin to a magic mirror(マジックミラーのように)”no first-time visitors” policy(一見さんお断り)to follow the necessary procedures(必要な手続きを踏む)to try on kimonos of your choice(お好みで着物を試してみる)Gold leaf(金箔)to dominate the market for~(~の市場を独占する)a captivating place(わくわくする場所)corruption and extravagance of~(~の堕落や贅沢)to sequester it here(それをここに隔離する) to mistake it for~(それを~と間違えること)



1. この一言で腑に落ちる?


👉1:It is like a time-travel zone, allowing visitors to experience the buildings and atmosphere of a geisha house from the samurai era.
👉2:It is a valuable cultural asset designated by the government as the only existing geisha and teahouse area in Kyoto and Kanazawa.
👉3:It is a historic entertainment district where geisha houses that were once scattered throughout the city were concentrated on the outskirts about two hundred years ago.




👉1:.The building is adorned with a distinctive lattice known as a ‘bug cage,’ which allows an inside view to the outside, much like a magical mirror.
👉2:The teahouse buildings from that era have been preserved, allowing visitors to admire unique features such as the staircase, courtyard, and musical instruments that are not typically found in ordinary houses.



👉1:‘Geisha’ are officially called ‘geiko’, and they still perform dances, tunes, and songs to their guests as they did in the samurai era.
👉2:The traditional “no first-time visitors” policy is still in place, but you can view the show if you follow the necessary procedures.



👉1:Visitors can appreciate the geisha fashion from that time, that is, wearing kimonos for entertainment.
👉2:There are some rental stores where you can try on kimonos of your choice for walking in the teahouse district.



👉1:Gold leaf, which Kanazawa dominates the market for, is available as a topping for drinks and sweets.
👉2:Since a traditional ‘teahouse’ is not a place to buy or drink tea, there are now stores where tea can be enjoyed in a tea ceremony service.



👉1:It is such a beautiful and captivating place that people can understand why the samurai government, concerned about the corruption and extravagance of its citizens, chose to sequester it here.
👉2:It has everything you need for eating, drinking, shopping, watching, and playing to the point where some might mistake it for an artificial theme park.




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