👉タイトルの各語は「格子窓(こうしまど)」”latticed windows”、「女将(おかみ)」” a proprietress”、「白粉(おしろい)」”white face powder”と言うことができます。
- (少グループの)文学者!literati【単】literatus
- 時空を超える!to transcend time and space.
- 博物館になる!be turned into museums
- レア体験!a rare experience
- 木造建造物!the wooden buildings
- 格子窓!latticed windows
- 階段が吹き抜け!The staircase is a stairwell.
- 天井高くして!with a high ceiling
- 音響の為に! for acoustics
- 襖(複数)!sliding doors
- 伝統的なお茶屋 !the traditional teahouses
- お茶でくつろぐ!to relax over a cup of tea
- 和菓子!wagashi (Japanese sweets)
- 抹茶!matcha (powdered green tea)
- かんざし☛kanzashi (traditional Japanese hairpin worn over a kimono)
- おしろい☛white face powder
- 口紅☛lipstick
- 着物☛Kimono(traditional Japanese cloth
- 琴☛koto (Japanese harp)(Japanese stringed keyboard)
- 三味線☛shamisen(Japanese guitar with three stings)
- 太鼓☛Japanese drum
- 鼓☛Japanese hand drum
- お座敷☛tatami room for guest
- 人力車☛rickshaw
- お茶屋☛Tea house
- 茶屋街☛Tea house district
- 芸者☛geisha
- 一見さんお断り☛”no first-time visitors” policy
- 歓楽街☛pleasure quarters(複数), entertainment area
- 遊郭☛(上記類似語として)licensed pleasure quarters, pleasure districts
- 芸妓(地元での芸者の呼び方)☛Geiko (local term for geisha)
- 出格子(木虫籠、きむすこ)☛ (wooden lattice window like bug cage),
- べんがら☛Bengara (Indian deep red color)
- 金持ち商人!wealthy merchants
- 接客する!to serve customers
- 町中に散らばって!Be scattered throughout the city
- 集約されて!be consolidated in〜
- 贅沢の蔓延を防ぐ!to prevent the spread of extravagance.
- 空襲を免れる!be spared the air raids/not to experience air raids /be not damaged by air raids
- 現代の好みにあった!to suit modern tastes
- お茶屋を維持する!to remain teahouse
- まだ商売している! be still in business
- 依然有効!be still in effect/be still alive
- 変わらぬまま!to remain intact/be as it was
- 馴染のパトロンの紹介!an introduction from a familiar patron
- 規定の手続きを踏む!to follow the proper procedures
- 集まりの場として!as an assembly district
- 〜の外れに!on the outskirts of 〜
- 田んぼしかない!br nothing but rice paddies
- 終わりを告げる!to come to an end
- ストイックさ!the stoic spirituality
- 廃れる!to fall into disuse
- 贅沢と退廃!extravagance and decadence
- 隔離する!to quarantine
- 感染症!infectious diseases
- (伝染病の場合)空気感染する!be airborne(空中を通る意味)
- 伝染りやすい!be contagious
- 空気感染!airborne infection
- 手ブラで後払い!no-wallet visit and pay later’
- 紹介者が担保する! the introducer must pay
- 信用ビジネス! a credit business
- 一般公開している!be open to the public,
- 一般公開しない!be closed to the public
- 女将!a proprietress
- 時間になれば!When the time is right
- 社交の場!a social place
- 至る所!every nook and cranny
- 反面!On the flip side
- 秘密の遊び!covert gameplay
- 無防備(ヤバい)な! unsuspecting
- 悪さの暗号! code for mischief
- お茶を飲む!to sip‘Tea’
- 密談!clandestine chitchat
- 共通語!lingua franca
- イチャつき、浮気! flirtation
- 思うに!upon reflection
- 隠れ屋!a hideaway
- 密室!a closed room
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