- 鳥居から入る♦Entering Through the Torii Gate
- 参道を歩く♦Walking Along the Shrine Approach
- 手水舎で清める♦Purifying Yourself at the Hand-Water Basin
- お参り&願い事をする♦Offering Prayers and Making Wishes
- おみくじを買う&占う♦Buying an Omikuji and Reading Your Fortune
- 鳥居を出る♦Exiting Through the Torii Gate
- 神社にお参りする際の厳格なルールや作法はありません。
- 参拝の作法も神社、地域、個人により異なります。
- 参拝作法を知らず、お参りだけする人も多いですが、日本の神様は寛大なので、何も心配はいりません。
- 多くの人が使っている一般的な礼拝作法として、今からご説明させていただきます。
- これから日本人の神様が住む特別な領域に入る事だけご認識いただければ幸いです。
- There are no strict rules or etiquette for visiting shrines.
- The manner of worship can vary from shrine to shrine, region to region, and even among individuals.
- Many people visit the shrine without knowing the proper manners, but there’s no need to worry because Japanese gods are very forgiving.
- Let me now explain a general worship manner commonly used by many people
- We hope you understand that you are about to enter a sacred realm where the deities of the Japanese people reside.
1. 鳥居から入る
- 目の前のある二本の柱と上部の梁で繋がれた構造物は「鳥居」と言います。
- この鳥居は、教会に十字架が必ずあるように、どこの神社にも必ずあります。
- これは私たちが住む俗世と今から入る神の領域を区切る結界の意味があります。
- 入口の鳥居をくぐる前には、一旦止まり、会釈し、静かに境内に入ります。
- The structure in front of you, connected by two pillars and a beam at the top, is called a ‘torii’ gate.
- A torii gate can be found in every shrine, just like you’d find a cross in a church.
- Its purpose is to symbolize the boundary between our everyday world and the divine realm we’re entering.
- Before passing through the torii gate, it’s customary to pause, offer a brief prayer, and then quietly enter the shrine grounds.
- ここから先は神の領域なので、日本人は畏れを感じながら先に進みます。
- そのあらわれとして、多く人は参道の中央を避け左端を歩きます。
- 参道を横切るときは、頭を下げたり、正面に一礼する人もいます。
- From this point onward, the Japanese advance with a sense of awe, for this is the domain of the gods.
- As a sign of this, many people avoid walking in the center of the approach and instead walk on the left side.
- When crossing the approach, some people bow their heads or bow in front of the shrine.

- ここは手水舎と言って、水で手と口をすすいで、身を清める所てす。
- 今から、私が実演をしますので、ご覧ください。
- もし、ご興味があれば、試してみてください。
- 気が乗らなければ、ただ見ているだけでも、フリだけでも結構です。
- This is a place called “Chozuya,” where you rinse your hands and mouth with water to purify yourself.
- I am going to demonstrate now, so please watch.
- If you are interested, please give it a try.
- If you don’t feel like it, you can just watch or pretend.

- 最初に左手を清めます。
- ここでは神様に祈る前に水で心身を清めることが主な目的です。
- 目の前の柄杓を右手で持ち、水をくみ、柄杓の水の四分の一ほど、左手に水をかけます。
- 第二に右手を清めます。
- 左手に柄杓を持ち替え、また四分の一ほど右手にかけます。
- 第三に口を清めます。
- 柄杓を右手に持ち替え、左手の手のひらに四分の一ほどの水を注ぎ、その水で口をすすぎます。 .
- 第四に柄杓の柄を清めます。
- 柄杓を両手で立てるように持ち、柄杓の中に残っていた水を持ち手部分に流します。
- 最後に右手で元の場所に戻します。
- ハンカチで口と手を拭いて一礼して参道に戻ります。
- Begin by purifying your left hand.
- This ritual serves to cleanse both body and mind with water before offering prayers.
- Hold the ladle in your right hand, fill it with water, and gently pour approximately a quarter of the water onto your left hand.
- Next, purify your right hand.
- Transfer the ladle to your left hand and pour approximately a quarter of the water onto your right hand.
- Now, rinse your mouth.
- Hold the ladle with your right hand, pour a quarter of the water into your left palm, and use it to rinse your mouth
- Next, cleanse the handle of the ladle.
- Hold the ladle upright with both hands and allow the remaining water to flow down the handle.
- Lastly, return the ladle to its original position using your right hand.
- Afterwards, use a handkerchief to dry your mouth and hands, bow, and then proceed back to the approach.
- 神様への信心の印として賽銭箱にお賽銭を入れます。
- 目の前にある賽銭箱の間に立って一礼します。
- 今日は特別にご案内役が代表してお賽銭を入れます。
- 二拝、二拍手、一拝という作法で拝礼、御祈りをします。
- まず、深いお辞儀を二回繰り返します。
- 二番目に、両手を胸の前で合わせ、2回拍手を打ちます。
- それから、打った両手を合わせながら、心を込めて祈ります。
- 最後に両手下ろし、深いお辞儀をします。
- 拝礼が終わったら、会釈をして、神前から参道に退きます。
- To show your faith, place your donation in the collection box.
- Stand between the donation boxes in front of you and bow.
- Today, I’ll make a special donation on your behalf.
- We perform two bows, two claps, and one final bow during our prayer.
- First, bow deeply twice.
- Next, clap your hands together in front of your chest twice.
- While keeping your hands together, pray with all your heart.
- Finally, finish with a deep bow.
- When you are done, step back and move away from there.
- おみくじがありますので、ご興味があれば引いてみましょうか?
- 巫女さんにお金を払っておみくじを引きます。
- おみくじを開いて読んで、この先の運勢を確認します。
- 日本人は先ほどの願い事に対する神様のお告げと解釈します。
- なので、入学試験の結果を待つようにドキドキします。
- 神のメッセージは基本的に大吉から大協まで5段階に分かれています。
- その他に、結婚運、商売、試験、恋愛、病気にもコメントがあります。
- 不満足な結果だと、よいメッセージが出るまで何度も買う人もいます。
- 良いメッセージだと持ち帰り、悪いと神社の木に結んで帰る人もいます。
- その習慣は神社や個人により様々ですので、お好きなようにしてください。
- You can draw an omikuji (written oracle) if you’re interested.
- To get your omikuji, simply pay the miko (shrine maiden) and draw one.
- Open and read your omikuji to discover your future fortune.
- Japanese people interpret omikuji as a divine oracle related to their earlier wishes.
- It can be an exciting experience as you await the results, especially for entrance examinations.
- The messages from the gods are typically categorized into five levels, ranging from Daikichi (great blessing) to Daikyo (great curse).
- You may also find comments related to marriage luck, business, examinations, love, and health.
- If the results are disappointing, some individuals purchase omikuji repeatedly until they receive a favorable message.
- People often take home good omikuji messages and tie the bad ones to a tree at the shrine.
- Keep in mind that customs can vary between different shrines and individuals, so feel free to follow your preferences.
2)The manner of worship can vary from shrine to shrine, region to region, and even among individuals.
3)Many people visit the shrine without knowing the proper manners, but there’s no need to worry because Japanese gods are very forgiving.
4)Let me now explain a general worship manner commonly used by many people..
5)We hope you understand that you are about to enter a sacred realm where the deities of the Japanese people reside.
1. 鳥居から入る
2)A torii gate can be found in every shrine, just like you’d find a cross in a church.
3)Its purpose is to symbolize the boundary between our everyday world and the divine realm we’re entering.
4)Before passing through the torii gate, it’s customary to pause, offer a brief prayer, and then quietly enter the shrine grounds.
2)As a sign of this, many people avoid walking in the center of the approach and instead walk on the left side.
3)When crossing the approach, some people bow their heads or bow in front of the shrine.
2)I am going to demonstrate now, so please watch.
3)If you are interested, please give it a try.
4)If you don’t feel like it, you can just watch or pretend.
・This ritual serves to cleanse both body and mind with water before offering prayers.
・Hold the ladle in your right hand, fill it with water, and gently pour approximately a quarter of the water onto your left hand.
2)Next, purify your right hand.
・Transfer the ladle to your left hand and pour approximately a quarter of the water onto your right hand.
3)Now, rinse your mouth.
・Hold the ladle with your right hand, pour a quarter of the water into your left palm, and use it to rinse your mouth
4)Next, cleanse the handle of the ladle.
・Hold the ladle upright with both hands and allow the remaining water to flow down the handle.
5)Lastly, return the ladle to its original position using your right hand
・.Afterwards, use a handkerchief to dry your mouth and hands, bow, and then proceed back to the approach.
2)Stand between the donation boxes in front of you and bow.
・Today, I’ll make a special donation on your behalf.
3)We perform two bows, two claps, and one final bow during our prayer.
・First, bow deeply twice.
・Next, clap your hands together in front of your chest twice.
・While keeping your hands together, pray with all your heart.
・Finally, finish with a deep bow.
4)When you are done, step back and move away from there.
2)To get your omikuji, simply pay the miko (shrine maiden) and draw one.
3)Open and read your omikuji to discover your future fortune.
4)Japanese people interpret omikuji as a divine oracle related to their earlier wishes.
5)It can be an exciting experience as you await the results, especially for entrance examinations.
6)The messages from the gods are typically categorized into five levels, ranging from Daikichi (great blessing) to Daikyo (great curse).
7)You may also find comments related to marriage luck, business, examinations, love, and health.
8)If the results are disappointing, some individuals purchase omikuji repeatedly until they receive a favorable message.
9)People often take home good omikuji messages and tie the bad ones to a tree at the shrine.
10)Keep in mind that customs can vary between different shrines and individuals, so feel free to follow your preferences.