
a) 予備知識として
- 日本の城の歴史(そもそも何から?)
- 日本の城の建築(なんの為にこんなつくりに?)
- 背後にある逸話(何故こうなったの?)
- 日本史におけるお城の位置づけ(皆どう扱ってたの?)
- 日本の城はどれを見ても皆同じに見える。
- どこが面白いのかよくわからない。
- 固有名詞を言われてもついていけない。興味もない。
b) 相手の状況の確認
- 目的
- 👉時間潰し、好奇心、情報収集?
- ニーズ・要望
- 👉何がしたい、見たい?
- 好み、嗜好
- 👉散策?花?建築?
- 知識レベル
- 👉日本文化は?歴史は?
- 経験
- 👉お城見学の有無は?程度は?
- 許容時間
- 👉何時間?何時迄?
- 案内所で城の見処と所要時間
- 英文掲示、英文動画の状況
- ボランティア通訳有無と空き具合
- パンフレットとマップ(日英)入手
- トイレ、休憩所、喫煙所の場所
- インドア展示(有料、無償)の有無(特に空模様がよくない時に)
- これまで日本の城を訪れたことはありましたか?
- これまで日本の城はどこを訪れたことがありますか?
- 日本の城について何かご存知のことございますか?
- 日本の城について何をご存知ですか?
- 日本の城のどんなところに興味がありますか?
- 何故この城に来ようと思われたのですか?
- 地元にお城はございますか?
- ご出身の国のお城はどんな感じですか?
- 西洋のお城を見たご経験はおありですか?
- 城の建築にご興味おありですか?
- 何か具体的にご覧になりたいものありますか?
- ここでのお時間はどれくらいありますか?
- 何時迄戻ってきたいですか?
- 何時迄に戻らなければならないとかありますか?
- Have you ever visited any Japanese castles before?
- Where did you have a chance to visit?
- Do you know anything about Japanese castles?
- What do you know about Japanese castles?
- What aspects of Japanese castles are you interested in?
- What brought you to this castle?
- Do you have any castles in your local area?
- What are castles like in your home country?
- Have you ever seen Western castles?
- Are you interested in castle architecture?
- Is there anything specific you would like to see?
- How much time do you have here?
- By what time would you like to return?
- Do you have any specific time constraints?
e) インバウンドの視点
- そもそも、この城はいつ頃できたか?
- 何故ここに城ができたのか?
- 当時の城がそのまま残っているのか?
- 建て替えたものなのか?復元したものなのか?
- 領主はどんな人達だったか?
- 彼らはどんな生活、日常送っていたのか?
- 日本の他の城と何が違うのか?
- この城はどこが面白いのか?
- 今はどのように使っているのか?
- 建物の維持、管理はどのようにしているのか?
- When was this castle originally built?
- Why was this castle built here?
- Is this castle still intact from that time?
- Was it rebuilt or restored?
- What kind of people were the feudal lords?
- How did they live their daily lives?
- What are the differences between this castle and other castles in Japan?
- What makes this castle interesting?
- How is the castle used today?
- How is the maintenance and management of the buildings handled?
- Japanese castle(城)
- castle town(城下町)
- mountain castle(山城)
- 👉castle built on a mountain
- hill castle(平山城)
- 👉castle built on a hill
- flat-land castle(平城)
- 👉castle built on a plain
- story(《建物の》階)
- 👉a 2-story building(二階建て)
- 👉This tower is 5 stories high(この櫓は5階建て)
- ruined castle / castle ruin(城跡)
- plaster(漆喰、石膏)/ stucco(漆喰)/mortar(モルタル, 漆喰)
- constructed of wood / built of wood(木造の)
- castle wall(城壁)
- stone wall(石垣)
- moat(堀)
- fief(領国)
- the Warring States Era/the civil war era(戦国時代)
- lord(領主、殿様)/fuedal lord(大名)
- vassal/retainer(家臣)/vassals(家臣団)
- UNESCO’s World Heritage Site(ユネスコ世界文化遺産)
- national treasure(国宝)
- main keep/castle keep/keep/castle tower/donjon/tower keep
- 👉the biggest guard tower
- main tower(大天守)
- small tower(小天守)

- enclosure
- 👉area enclosed by earthwork, stone walls, moats
- keep of a castle/main enclosure (of a castle)/center of a castle
- main bailey
- second enclosure/third enclosre
- secondary enclosure/tertiary enclosure
- moat〈堀/外堀〉
- inner moat/inside moat〈内堀〉
- canal〈掘割〉
- ditch〈溝〉

- tower/guard tower/turret
- watchtower(物見やぐら)/lookout tower
- storage rooms (貯蔵庫)
- castle gate
- front gate/rear gate(正門/裏門)
- Korai-mon gate(高麗門)《秀吉の朝鮮出兵から導入された開門形式》
- invasion-hindering gate/box shape style gate/rectangular gate(桝形門)
- 👉typical traditional Japanese gate(機能を織り込んだ多様な表現があります)
- 👉gate enclosed by two gates and stonewalls
- gable《建築用語》
- 👉roof over bay window(出窓の屋根)
- gablet〈小破風〉《建築用語》
- plaster〈漆喰/石灰/石膏〉
- cement plaster
- lime plaster
- grout
- 👉下記は専門用語《建築用語》です。
- daub《動詞で「塗る」という意味もあります》
- stucco(イタリア語)
2.1 基本情報
- そもそも日本に防御目的のいわゆるお城は2万から5万あったと言われている。
- ただその規模や形態は様々で天守があった城は100ほどとの説もある。
- 昔からある防御用のお城に戦国時代になると軍事施設として天守閣が作られた。
- 天守とはご覧の通り城のなかで最も高い物見櫓のこと。
- 他の物見やぐらと違うのは、領主の権威や権力を示すためもあった。
- 単独で高い為、もう逃げ場がなく、最後の籠城を想定した作りになっている。
- その為、領主たちは 通常は天守に住んでいたわけではない。
- 城内に住居用の「御殿」をつくり日常生活を送ったり政治を行っていた。
- 現在国内に現存する天守閣は12だけ。
- それ以外の天守閣は当時の資料から復元したり観光用に再建したもの。
👉Glossary(用語): refer to(を意味する)final siege(最後の籠城)surviving(当時のまま) remaining (現存する)tourism purposes(観光業用途)
- It is said that there were originally 20,000 to 50,000 buildings for defense, so-called “castle” in Japan.
- Although their scale and form varied, it is said that there were around 100 castles with a castle tower.
- Old castles for defense since ancient times were transformed into military facilities adding a castle keep during the Civil War period.
- The castle keep, as you can see, refers to the tallest watchtower within the castle.
- What sets it apart from other watchtowers is that it also served to demonstrate the lord’s authority and power.
- Due to its height and isolated position, there was no escape, and it was designed with the assumption of a final siege, a last stand.
- Therefore, the lords usually did not live in a castle tower.
- A separate residence called “Goten,” a mansion was constructed within the castle and the lords lived their daily lives and conducted politics there.
- There are currently only 12 surviving castle keeps in the country.
- Most remaining castle towers have been reconstructed based on historical records or rebuilt for tourism purposes.
2.2 インバウンドの視点
- 何のためにこんな高い塔を作ったのか?
- 全て木造か?何か特別な構造があるのか?
- どうして木造でこの高さを実現しているのだ?
- この大きな櫓に家族で住んでいたのか?
- この中でどんな暮らしをしていたのか?
- なぜこんなにきれいなのか?
- なぜこんなに新しく見えるのか?
- いつごろできたのか?
- 当時のままなのか?
- 天守閣はどこの城にもあるのか?
- Why was such a tall tower built?
- Is it entirely made of wood? Does it have any special structures?
- How is this height achieved with wood?
- Did the lord’s family live in this large turret?
- What kind of life did they lead inside?
- Why is it so beautiful?
- Why does it look so new?
- When was it built?
- Is it still the same as it was back then?
- Are there keep towers in every castle?
- 見張り為の視野を広げる為と敵を威圧する為、城下に権威を示すためであった。
- 錆びるため釘等の金属類はつかわず、パズルのような繋ぎ部分を作って各パーツを組み合わせて積み上げる。
- 柱や梁はヒノキ、杉、松等の強度のある木材で、また一般住宅より遥かに多量の材料が使われている。
- ここで領主を含む彼らの家族は日常住まず、領主が必要時に使うのみでった。
- 別途、城内に住居用の「御殿」をつくり日常生活を送ったり家臣と政治を行っていた。
- 多くの領主が実用のみでは満足せず装飾性も重視した為。
- 定期的に大きなメンテナンスをして老朽化を防いでいる。
- 多くの天守閣は4世紀ほど前の内戦時代に作られた。
- 現存する天守閣は国内に12しかない。
- 殆どの天守閣は火災、雷、法令で消滅したので、残りは観光用に再建したものが多い。
👉Glossary(用語): field of vision(視界) for surveillance purposes(監視目的)intimidate (威圧する)rust(錆びる)Pillars and beams(柱と梁)Japanese cypress(ヒノキ) cedar
杉)ordinary housing(一般住宅)conduct politics(政治を行う) retainer(家臣)practicality(実用性)decorative aspects(装飾性)deterioration(老朽化)the civil war era(戦国時代)
- It was to expand the field of vision for surveillance purposes and intimidate enemies, as well as to demonstrate authority within the castle town.
- Instead of using metal materials like nails that rust, the parts are interconnected like a puzzle and stacked by combining each piece.
- Pillars and beams are made of strong woods such as Japanese cypress, cedar, and pine, and a significantly larger amount of timber is used compared to ordinary housing.
- The lords’ families, including the lords, did not live here on a daily basis but only used it when necessary.
- Additionally, a “palace” within the castle was built for residential purposes, where they lived their daily lives and conducted politics with their retainers.
- Many lords emphasized not only practicality but also decorative aspects.
- Regular maintenance has been carried out to prevent deterioration.
- Many castle towers were built during the civil war era about four centuries ago.
- There are only twelve surviving castle towers in the country.
- Most castle towers were destroyed by fire, lightning, or regulations, so many of the remaining ones have been reconstructed mainly for tourism purposes.
2.3 笑いが取れるかも?説明例
”Why are there so few castle keeps?”
👉Glossary(用語):reach its peak(ピークに達する) prone to fires(火事になり易い)observation decks(展望台)too costly(コスパ悪すぎ)a state of disrepair(ボロボロ状態)modernization(近代化)tourist resource(観光資源) restore and maintain(復元と維持)excessive foreign visitors(外国客多すぎ)intensify the boom(ブーム加熱)
- Ironically, when the number of castle towers reached its peak, the civil war era ended and the need disappeared.
- 皮肉なことに天守閣の数がピークに達した頃に内戦時代が終わってニーズがなくなりました。
- Additionally, since they were made of wood, they were prone to fires caused by lightning, etc., and the huge cost of rebuilding was a bottleneck.
- また、木造なので、落雷等による火災も多く、再建に莫大な費用がかかることもネックでした。
- Furthermore, due to the government’s castle reduction laws at that time,
the number of castle towers became as it is today .- 更に当時の政府の城削減の法律の影響もあり現在の数になったわけです。
- While they could be used as observation decks, they were too costly, as they were primarily used by the lords’ families.
- 展望台としては使えましたが、領主の一族が使うだけではコスパが悪すぎました。
- Therefore, even the surviving castle towers were in a state of disrepair due to insufficient maintenance funds.
- その為、現存する天守閣でも管理費用不足で、殆どボロボロでした。
- However, with the increase in foreign visitors after modernization, the castles considered to be useless have become recognized as a tourist resource.
- ただ近代化以降、外国人が増えるにつれ、いままで見向きもされなかった城が観光資源になることがわかりました。
- As a result, extensive efforts were made nationwide to restore and maintain castle keeps, leading to the current castle boom.
- その為、全国各地で天守閣の整備が大幅に進み、現在のお城ブームになったのです。
- In Japanese, when something becomes popular, it is literally translated as “igniting fire to a boom.”
- 日本語では,あることがブームになることをブームに火がつくと言います。
- .In this case, it was the increase of foreign tourists that sparked the boom.
- 今回は外国人観光客がブームの火付けやくとなったわけてす。
- However, there is a concern that excessive foreign visitors may further intensify the boom and raise the risk of fires to the castle keeps.
- でも余り外国人が多すぎるとブームが加熱して、本当に天守閣が火事にならないか心配です。
- でも余り外国人が多すぎるとブームが加熱して、本当に天守閣が火事にならないか心配です。
3. 城門

3.1 基本情報
👉Glossary: offensive tactics(攻撃) positioned at a right angle(直角に配置)momentum(勢い)any vulnerabilities(どんな隙でも)delay by one beat(ワンテンポ遅らせる)counterattack(反撃) lattice window(格子窓)invader、intruder(侵入者)open inward(うち開き) grandeur(格調高さ)modest(質素な) luxurious(贅沢な) asymmetrical(非対称の)
- 日本の城門には戦時の防衛だけでなく,高い建築技術で領主の力と財力を示す目的がある。
- Japanese castle gates serve not only for wartime defense but also to demonstrate the power and wealth of the lord through advanced architectural techniques.
- 敵が本丸まで簡単に侵入できないように複数の門が迷路の様に複雑に配置されている。
- Multiple gates are intricately arranged like a maze to prevent easy access for enemies to the lord’s headquarters.
- 城門自体には防御だけでなく攻撃を考慮した工夫がされている。
- The castle gates themselves are designed not only for defense but also with consideration given to offensive tactics.
- 元々は一門だけであったが時代が進むと共に2つの門と石垣で囲む枡形門が定着した。
- Originally, a castle gate consisted of only one gate, but as time passed, it became common to construct a square area enclosed by two separate gates and stone walls.
- 侵入者をその枡形の中に閉じ込めて殲滅するよう作られた。
- The castle gates were built with the intention of confining invaders within the square areas and completely destroying them.
- 最初の外の門と次の奥の門は右側に直角に配置されている。
- The first outer gate and the next inner gate are positioned at a right angle on the right side.
- 敵は90度、向きを変えるためその勢いを止めなければならなっかた。
- The enemy had to change their direction by 90 degrees, which slowed down their momentum.
- 右側に配置された理由は日本人は右利きが多いので、敵の反撃をワンテンポ遅らせる為だった。
- The reason for the right-side placement is that many Japanese people are right-handed, so it was intended to delay the enemy’s counterattack by one beat.
- 2番目の門の上には櫓が乗っていて、その格子窓や石落としから、侵入者に攻撃を加えることもできた。
- On top of the second gate, there was a turret that could be used to attack invaders through its lattice windows or by dropping stones.
- 最初の外の門は隙があればすぐ外にも攻撃できるように内開きになっている。
- The first outer gate opens inward to enable immediate counterattacks if there are any vulnerabilities outside the gate.
- 城門に装飾性を持たせるのは侵入者に財力を示すことで精神的に威圧する意図がある。
- The decorative elements of the castle gates are intended to mentally intimidate intruders by showcasing the lord’s wealth.
- 城門は役割で見ると正門(大手門(おおてもん)と裏門(搦手門と)の二種類に分けられる。
- When considering their roles, castle gates can be divided into two types: the main gate (‘ote-mon’ meaning ‘big hands’ ) and the back gate (‘karamete-mon’, meaning ‘squeeze hands’).
- 正門は大きく堅固で防御力が高く、格式高く作られるのが特徴。
- The main gate is large, robust, and characterized by high defensive capabilities and grandeur.
- 裏門は一般的に正門に比べて質素だが、中には正門の様に豪華な裏門もある。
- The back gate is generally more modest compared to the main gate, but there are also luxurious back gates similar to the main gate.
- 湾曲した非対称の屋根を置くことで門の装飾性を高め、領主の財力を誇示している。
- The curved and asymmetrical roof design enhances the decorative nature of the gate and displays the lord’s wealth.
3.2 インバウンドの視点
- 日本の城門の見処、特徴は何?
- 他の古い建造物(寺院、屋敷)の門と何処が違うのか?
- この様な城門はいつ頃できたのか?
- (木造建築自体が珍しいので)木造で大丈夫なのか?
- 城門は何の木材を使っているのか?
- What are the features and characteristics of Japanese castle gates?
- How do they differ from the gates of other ancient structures like temples and mansions?
- When did this type of castle gate first pop up?
- Are they sturdy enough, being made of wood?
- What type of wood is used for castle gates?
- 城門は時代の推移と戦争技術の進歩により多様に進化した。
- 防御力と攻撃力と装飾性を兼ね備えた城独自の桝形門が定着した。
- 初期数世紀の木製柵から発展し、16 世紀にこの様に最もよく知られた形になった。
- 門扉には鋲で鉄板を止めて強化し、戦時は内側から岩や材木で塞い敵の侵入を防いだ。
- 門柱、梁、櫓の壁や床などに強度のある檜、ケヤキ、杉、松などを使っている。
👉Glossary: over time(時代が変わり)wooden stockades(木の柵)sturdy woods(頑丈な木材)zelkova(ケヤキ)
- Castle gates have changed a lot over time because of advancements in warfare technology.
- They ended up having this cool rectangular gate that combined defense, offense, and good looks all in one awesome structure.
- They evolved from the wooden stockades of earlier centuries and came into their best-known form in the 16th century
- The gate doors were reinforced with iron plates and during war, sealed tightly with rocks and wood to deter enemy intrusion.
- They used sturdy woods like cypress, zelkova, cedar, and pine for gate pillars, beams, tower walls, and floors to make sure they lasted.
3.3 笑いが取れるかも?説明例
a) 何故、枡形門が定着したの?
“Why did the box-shaped gate become established?”
👉Glossary:watchguards(警備)warfare technology(戦闘技術)the norm at the time(当時の常識)denounce(罵る) deserter(裏切者)coward(臆病者)mice(ネズミ)reproductive power(生殖力)leave behind offspring(子孫を残す)descendants’ honor(子孫の名誉)
- Originally, the castle gate was a simple structure, reinforcing the regular entrance with watchguards.
- 元々は通常の出入り口の門を警備強化した単純な構成だったのです。
- However, as warfare technology advanced, it evolved into a square-shaped structure.
- しかし戦闘技術が進むに連れて、進化してこのような枡形になりました。
- With two gates and stone walls surrounding them like a trap, enemies would be easily killed.
- 袋の鼠のように2つの門と石垣に囲まれて,容易に殺されてしまうのです。
- But what is intriguing is that this square-shaped gate was the norm at the time, so the enemy should have been aware of it.
- でも、不思議に思うのは、この枡形門は当時の常識だったので、敵もその事は分かっていたはず。
- Why would they willingly fall into such a trap like mice?
- わざわざその罠に自ら入るようなことをしたのでしょうか?
- One possible explanation is that soldiers had no choice but to move forward, even if they knew they would die.
- 考えられることは、死ぬと分かっていても兵隊とすれば前に進むしか、手はなかったのかもしれません。
- If they didn’t advance, they would be denounced as deserters or cowards, bringing shame upon their descendants for generations.
- 前に進まなければ敵前逃亡を理由に裏切り者か卑怯者と子孫の代まで罵られるわけです。
- However, mice have strong reproductive power, leaving behind 10,000 offspring in a year from a pair of mice.
- でも、ネズミは繁殖力が強く二匹のつがいから一年で1万匹の子孫を残します。
- So, perhaps mice might die peacefully in a mousetrap for the sake of their descendants’ honor.
- なのでネズミなら子孫の名誉の為にネズミ捕りで安心して死ねるかもしれません。
- But most human soldiers are young, unmarried individuals. If they die, they cannot leave behind any descendants or honor, can they?
- でも人間の兵士は殆どが結婚前の若者なので、死んだら子孫も彼らの名誉も残せませんよね。
- So, many samurais married at a young age, often in their early teens.
- だからサムライは結婚が早かったんですね。十代前半での結婚が多かった。
- Perhaps it was a good time for young people who’d say, ‘I don’t care about my life as long as I can get married,’ a sentiment that remains true throughout history.
- いつの時代にもいる「死んでもいいから結婚したい」って言う若者には良い時代だったのかも。
4. 石垣

4.1 基本情報
- 日本の石垣は西洋と違ってモルタル、漆喰を使わず石だけで積まれている。
- 日本は木材が豊富なので西洋家屋と違い石垣は建物の基礎として一般的に使われてきた。
- 現在の著名な城の石垣は戦国時代に急激に発展した特殊なもの。
- 自然石を積み上げた単純なものから切石を美しく積み上げた芸術的レベルのものまで色々な石垣が見られる、
- 天守や城門と同様、守りと攻撃用途だけでなく相手を怯ませる財力と威厳を示す意図が込められた。
- Japanese stone walls are built only with stones, unlike Western ones that use mortar and plaster.
- In Japan, due to the abundance of wood, stone walls have been commonly used as the foundation of buildings, unlike Western houses.
- The stone walls of famous castles today are unique structures that rapidly developed during the Warring States period.
- You can see various types of stone walls, ranging from simple ones made of natural stones to artistically crafted ones made of cut stones.
- Similar to the keep and castle gates, these stone walls were intended not only for defense and attack but also to intimidate the opponent with their wealth and dignity.
4.2 インバウンドの視点
- こんなに大きな石材をどうやって運んだのか?
- こんなに大きな石材をどうやって積み上げたのか?
- どうやってこれだけの石を切り出したのか?
- なぜわざわざこんな大きな石を使うのか?
- 石垣の高さはどれくらいなのか?
- 造ってからどれくらい経っているのか?
- どうしてくずれないのか?地震でも大丈夫なのか?
- 日本の石垣はどんな石を使っているのか?
- 石垣の石はどこから持ってきたのか?
- どうして隙間なく表面を整えられるのか?
- How did they manage to move such huge stones?
- How did they stack those massive stones?
- How did they cut out so many stones?
- Why did they choose to use such big stones?
- How tall is the stone wall?
- How long ago was it built?
- Why doesn’t it fall apart? Is it earthquake-proof?
- What type of stones have been used in Japanese stone walls?
- Where were the stones for the stone wall brought from?
- How did they achieve such a smooth surface without any gaps?
- 石を移動する為の舟を造り道を整備して時間をかけて運んだ。
- 基本的には一番下に大きな石を置き順番に石を重ねて作った。
- 予め掘られた石の割れ目に鉄のクサビを刺して叩いて石を割った。
- 石垣作業を請け負った大名の威信を示すため、石の大きさで競われた。
- 高いのものは約30m(100フィート)マンション10階建てになる。
- 石垣は火事被害の多い木造部分と違い、築城当時のままのものが多い。
- 石垣の四隅の石を交互に積むことで強度アップがされ、地震にも強い。
- 硬くて加工しやすく風化しにくい「花崗岩」がよく使われていた。
- 全国各地の高品質の石が取れる場所からブランド力のある石が選ばられた。
- 石加工技術の著しい向上によるが、領主たちに余裕ができた時代だった。
- They spent a lot of time building ships and making roads to move the stones around.
- Basically, they placed the largest stones at the bottom and stacked the other stones on top of each other in order.
- They stuck iron wedges into the cracks they made in the stones and hammered them to split the stones apart.
- To show off how great the lord was who undertook the construction of the stone walls, there was a competition based on the size of the stones.
- The biggest ones were like 100-foot-tall buildings, about as high as 10-story mansions.
- Unlike the wooden buildings that were prone to fire damage, many of the stone walls remain as they were when the castle was built.
- By stacking the stones at the corners of the stone walls alternately, the strength was enhanced, making them more resistant to earthquakes.
- They commonly used “granite,” a tough and weather-resistant stone that was also easy to work with.
- They carefully chose high-quality stones from different parts of the country for their brand value.
- It was a time when lords had more free time, which allowed for significant improvements in stone processing technology.
4.3 笑いが取れるかも?説明例
a) トラックも重機もなくてどうやったの?
“How did they manage to build it without any trucks or heavy machinery? “
- It seems that everything was sourced locally in the beginning, as it was a labor-intensive age.
- 当時は全て人力で時間がかかるので最初の頃は全て現地調達だったそうです。
- Even the biggest castles in Japan at that time were constructed by gathering materials from nearby areas.
- 日本を代表的する当時最大規模のお城も同様、近場から集めました。
- They brought in any usable stones they could find, from tombstones in temples to foundation stones from neighboring ancient palaces.
- お寺の墓石から、近くの古代宮殿の礎石など、使えそうな石はなんでも持ち込まれました。
- They particularly valued high-quality granite tombstones.
- 特に上質の御影石を使っていた墓石は重宝されたようです。
- But I wonder if they didn’t worry about curses or bad luck when using tombstones as the foundation for castles?
- でも墓石をお城の基礎に使って、祟とか気にしなかったのでしょうか?
- We can understand that when the lord gave orders, there was no choice but to follow without thinking about the consequences.
- 領主に命令されたら後先考えず、とりあえず従うしかありませんけど。
- However, many lords and their families eventually met their downfall along with their castles.
- でも、多くの領主やその一族は遠からず城と共に滅ぼされています。
- Maybe it was because they used tombstones as foundation stones showing no respect.
- お墓なんか基礎石に使って踏みつけたからかもしれませんよ。
- Ironically, they may have dug their own grave by digging other people’s tombstones.
- 皮肉にも、彼らは他人の墓石を掘って、自らの墓穴を掘ってしまったのかもしれませんね。
- It finally makes sense!/I see the point now!
- I understand now! / I am convinced now!
- I am satisfied! /I feel content now!
- I am impressed! /I am amazed!
- It hit me!/ It dawned on me!
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