👉タイトル各語は「枡形門」box shape style gate「曲輪」enclosure,「物見櫓」lookout tower、という言い方ができます。
- 装飾性!decorative aspects
- 破風!gable/roof over bay window/gablet
- 格調高さ!grandeur
- 贅沢な!luxurious
- 非対称の! asymmetrical
- 上質の御影石!high-quality granite
- ヒノキ!Japanese cypress
- 杉! cedar
- ケヤキ!zelkova
- 木の豊かさ!the abundance of wood
- 膨大な木材!a significantly larger amount of timber
- 自然石でできて! be made of natural stones
- 芸術的に作られる!be artistically crafted
- 切り石でできて! be made of cut stones
- いつの時代も変わらない!to remain true throughout history
- ユネスコ世界文化遺産!UNESCO’s World Heritage Site
- 国宝!national treasure
- 日本の城:Japanese castle
- 天守閣!main keep/castle keep/keep/castle tower/donjon/tower keep/the biggest guard tower
- 大天守/小天守!main tower/small tower
- 視界!field of vision
- 櫓!tower/guard tower/turret
- 物見やぐら!lookout tower/watchtower
- 貯蔵庫!storage room
- 山城!mountain castle/castle built on a mountain
- 平山城!hill castle/castle built on a hill
- 城趾!ruined castle / castle ruin
- 漆喰!plaster/cement plaster/lime plaster /grout/stucco/mortar
- 木造の!constructed of wood / built of wood
- 城壁!castle wall
- 城門!castle gate
- 正門!front gate
- 裏門!back gate/rear gate
- 枡形門!invasion-hindering gate/box shape style gate/rectangular gate/typical traditional Japanese gate
- 石垣!stone wall
- 堀/外堀!moat/outer moat
- 内堀!inner moat/inside moat
- 掘割!canal
- 溝!ditch
- 曲輪!enclosure/area enclosed by earthwork, stone walls, moats
- 本丸!keep of a castle/main enclosure (of a castle)/center of a castle/main bailey
- 二の丸!second enclosure/secondary enclosure
- 三の丸!tertiary enclosure/third enclosure
- 錆びる!to rust
- 柱/梁!pillars/beams
- 復元/維持!restore and maintain
- 展望台!observation decks
- 直角に配置されて!be positioned at a right angle
- 格子窓!lattice window
- 内側に開く/外側に開く!to open inward/to open outward
- 鉄のくさび!iron wedges
- 石の割れ目!the cracks in the stones
- 木の柵!wooden stockades
- 頑丈な木材!sturdy woods
- 右側の配置!the right-side placement
- 直角に配置される!be positioned at a right angle
- 地元で調達する!be sourced locally
- 人力だけで! labor-intensive
- 石加工技術!stone processing technology
- 戦闘技術!warfare technology
- 石を割る!to split the stones apart
- ワンテンポ遅らせる!to delay by one beat
- 底に~を置く!to place ~ at the bottom
- 順番~を積む!to stack ~ in order.
- 老朽化を防ぐ!to prevent deterioration
- 実用性! practicality
- 見せびらかす:to show off
- どんな隙でも!any vulnerabilities
- 城下町!castle town
- 領国!fief
- 戦国時代!the Warring States Era/the civil war era
- 領主/殿様/大名!lord/fuedal lord
- 家臣!vassal/retainer
- 監視目的!for surveillance purposes
- 威圧する!to intimidate
- 反撃!counterattack
- 侵入者!invader/intruder
- 警備!watchguards
- 当時の常識!the norm at the time
- 滅ぶ!to meet one’s downfall
- 墓石!tombstones
- 近代化!modernization
- 攻撃!offensive tactic
- 政治を行う!conduct politics
- ピークに達する!reach its peak
- 火事になりやすい!prone to fires
- コスパ悪すぎ!too costly
- ボロボロ状態!a state of disrepair
- 観光資源!tourist resource
- オーバーツーリズム!excessive foreign visitors/over tourism
- プームが加熱する!to intensify the boom
- 一般住宅!ordinary housing
- 控えめで!modest
- 罵る!to denounce
- 裏切者!deserter
- 臆病者!coward
- 生殖力!reproductive power
- 子孫を残す!leave behind offspring
- 子孫の名誉!descendants’ honor
- 祟り!curses/bad luck
- 従うしかない!no choice but to follow
- 後先考えず!without thinking about the consequences
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