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3. 城門


3.1 基本情報




offensive tactics(攻撃) positioned at a right angle(直角に配置)momentum(勢い)any vulnerabilities(どんな隙でも)delay by one beat(ワンテンポ遅らせる)counterattack(反撃) lattice window(格子窓)invader、intruder(侵入者)open inward(うち開き) grandeur(格調高さ)modest(質素な) luxurious(贅沢な) asymmetrical(非対称の)













◆m(__)m (Z) はD3でなくD1のファイルが置かれていますので、修正まで少々お待ち下さい。



  1. 日本の城門には戦時の防衛だけでなく、高い建築技術で領主の力と財力を示す目的があります。
    • (X:本編英訳)Japanese castle gates serve not only for wartime defense but also to demonstrate the power and wealth of the lord through advanced architectural techniques.
    • (Y:口頭英訳)Japanese castle gates serve two purposes: wartime defense and showcasing the lord’s power and wealth with advanced architecture.
    • (Z:簡易英訳)Japanese castle gates served both as wartime defenses and showcases of the lord’s power through their architecture.
  2. 敵が本丸まで簡単に侵入できないように複数の門が迷路の様に複雑に配置されています。
    • (X:本編英訳)Multiple gates are intricately arranged like a maze to prevent easy access for enemies to the lord’s headquarters.
    • (Y:口頭英訳)Multiple gates are intricately arranged. They form a maze-like barrier to deter enemies from accessing the lord’s headquarters easily.
    • (Z:簡易英訳)Multiple gates were arranged like a maze to deter enemies from easily accessing the castle’s center.
  3. 城門自体には防御だけでなく攻撃を考慮した工夫がされています。
    • (X:本編英訳)The castle gates themselves are designed not only for defense but also with consideration given to offensive tactics.
    • (Y:口頭英訳)The castle gates themselves are designed with a focus on both defense and offensive tactics.
    • (Z:簡易英訳)The gates themselves were designed not only for defense but also for offensive tactics.
  4. 元々はひとつの門だけであったが時代が進むと共に2つの門と石垣で囲む枡形門が定着しました。
    • (X:本編英訳)Originally, a castle gate consisted of only one gate, but as time passed, it became common to construct a square area enclosed by two separate gates and stone walls.
    • (Y:口頭英訳)Originally, castle gates consisted of just one gate.But over time, it became common to build a square area enclosed by two gates and stone walls.
    • (Z:簡易英訳)From primitive simple gates, these box-style gates became mainstream over time.
  5. 侵入者をその枡形の中に閉じ込めて殲滅するよう作られました。
    • (X:本編英訳)The castle gates were built with the intention of confining invaders within the square areas and completely destroying them.
    • (Y:口頭英訳)The castle gates were built to trap invaders within the square areas and utterly destroy them.
    • (Z:簡易英訳)This kind of box-style gate could trap invaders and utterly destroy them.
  6. 最初の外の門と次の奥の門は右側に直角に配置されています。
    • (X:本編英訳)The first outer gate and the next inner gate are positioned at a right angle on the right side.
    • (Y:口頭英訳)These two outer and inner gates are positioned at a right angle on the right side.
    • (Z:簡易英訳)The two gates are positioned at a right angle on the right side,
  7. 敵は90度、向きを変えるためその勢いを止めなければなりませんでした。
    • (X:本編英訳)The enemy had to change their direction by 90 degrees, which slowed down their momentum.
    • (Y:口頭英訳)The enemy had to make a 90-degree turn, slowing their momentum.
    • (Z:簡易英訳)forcing the enemy to make a 90-degree turn and slowing their momentum.
  8. 右側に配置された理由は日本人は右利きが多いので、敵の反撃をワンテンポ遅らせる為でした。
    • (X:本編英訳)The reason for the right-side placement is that many Japanese people are right-handed, so it was intended to delay the enemy’s counterattack by one beat.
    • (Y:口頭英訳)Due to many Japanese being right-handed, the intention of the right-side placement was to delay the enemy’s counterattack by one beat.
    • (Z:簡易英訳)The right-side placement also enabled delaying the enemy’s counterattack, as most Japanese were right-handed.
  9. 2番目の門の上には櫓が乗っていて、その格子窓や石落としから、侵入者を攻撃することもできました。
    • (X:本編英訳)On top of the second gate, there was a turret that could be used to attack invaders through its lattice windows or by dropping stones.
    • (Y:口頭英訳)On top of the second gate was a turret with lattice windows and a way to drop stones on invaders.
    • (Z:簡易英訳)On top of the second gate was a turret designed to attack or drop stones on invaders.
  10. 最初の外の門は、隙があればすぐ外にも攻撃できるように内開きになっています。
    • (X:本編英訳)The first outer gate opens inward to enable immediate counterattacks if there are any vulnerabilities outside the gate.
    • (Y:口頭英訳)The first outer gate opens inward, allowing immediate counterattacks against outside vulnerabilities.
    • (Z:簡易英訳)The first gate opens inward, allowing for immediate counterattacks against outside vulnerabilities.
  11. 城門に装飾性を持たせるのは侵入者に財力を示すことで精神的に威圧する意図があります。
    • (X:本編英訳)The decorative elements of the castle gates are intended to mentally intimidate intruders by showcasing the lord’s wealth.
    • (Y:口頭英訳)The castle gates’ decorative elements mentally intimidate intruders, showcasing the lord’s wealth.
    • (Z:簡易英訳)The gates’ decorations were meant to mentally intimidate intruders and showcase the lord’s wealth.
  12. 城門は役割で見ると正門(大手門)と裏門(搦手門)の二種類に分けられます。
    • (X:本編英訳)When considering their roles, castle gates can be divided into two types: the main gate (‘ote-mon’ meaning ‘big hands’ ) and the back gate (‘karamete-mon’, meaning ‘squeeze hands’).
    • (Y:口頭英訳)When considering their roles, castle gates can be divided into two kinds: main gates and back gates.
    • (Z:簡易英訳)Castle gates can be divided into main gates and back gates.
  13. 正門は大きく堅固で防御力が高く、格式高く作られています。
    • (X:本編英訳)The main gate is large, robust, and characterized by high defensive capabilities and grandeur.
    • (Y:口頭英訳)The main gate is large, robust, and has a grand and defensive appearance.
    • (Z:簡易英訳)The main gate is large, robust, and has a grand appearance,
  14. 裏門は一般的に正門に比べて質素ですが、中には正門の様に豪華な裏門もあります。
    • (X:本編英訳)The back gate is generally more modest compared to the main gate, but there are also luxurious back gates similar to the main gate.
    • (Y:口頭英訳)The back gate is usually simpler than the main gate, but some back gates are just as luxurious.
    • (Z:簡易英訳)while the back gate is usually modest, although some back gates are just as luxurious.
  15. 湾曲した非対称の屋根を置くことで門の装飾性を高め、領主の財力を誇示しています。
    • (X:本編英訳)The curved and asymmetrical roof design enhances the decorative nature of the gate and displays the lord’s wealth.
    • (Y:口頭英訳)The curved and asymmetrical roof design enhances the gate’s decoration and shows the lord’s wealth.
    • (Z:簡易英訳)The curved and asymmetrical roof enhances the gate’s beauty and demonstrates the lord’s wealth.

3.2 インバウンドの視点👁


👉 Glossaries (便利用語集)


features and characteristics(特徴) differ from (異なる)ancient structures(古代建造物)a type of castle gate(城門の型) pop up(出現する) sturdy enough(頑丈)being made of wood(木製で)What type of wood (どんな木?)


3.2.1 インバウンドからの質問例








  1. 日本の城門の見処、特徴は何ですか?
  2. 他の古い建造物(寺院、屋敷)の門と何処が違うのですか?
  3. この様な城門はいつ頃できたのですか?
  4. (木造建築自体が珍しいので)木造で大丈夫なのですか?
  5. 城門は何の木材を使っているのですか?


  1. What are the features and characteristics of Japanese castle gates?
  2. How do they differ from the gates of other ancient structures like temples and mansions?
  3. When did this type of castle gate first pop up?
  4. Are they sturdy enough, being made of wood?
  5. What type of wood is used for castle gates?

3.2.2 インバウンドへの回答例

👉 Glossaries (便利用語集)


over time(時代が変わり)advancements in warfare technology(戦争技術の進歩)end up (定着する)cool rectangular gate(見事な枡形門)combin all in one(兼ね備える)defense, offense, and good looks(防御、攻撃、美観)awesome structure(恐るべき造り).wooden stockades(木の柵)earlier centuries(初期数世紀)best-known form(よく知られた形) be reinforced with(強化された) iron plates(鉄板) during war(戦時)sealed tightly with(きつくふさぐ)deter enemy intrusion(敵の侵入を防ぐ)sturdy woods(頑丈な木材)zelkova(ケヤキ)to make sure they last(強度確保のため) gate pillars(門柱) beams(梁)









  1. 城門は時代の推移と戦争技術の進歩により多様に進化しました。
  2. 防御力と攻撃力と装飾性を兼ね備えた城独自の桝形門が定着しました。
  3. 初期数世紀に見られた木製柵から発展し、16 世紀にこの様に最もよく知られた形になりました。
  4. 門扉には鋲で鉄板を止めて強化し、戦時は内側から岩や材木で塞いで敵の侵入を防ぎました。
  5. 門柱、梁、櫓の壁や床などに強度のある檜、ケヤキ、杉、松などを使っています。


  1. Castle gates have changed a lot over time because of advancements in warfare technology.
  2. They ended up having this cool rectangular gate that combined defense, offense, and good looks all in one awesome structure.
  3. They evolved from the wooden stockades of earlier centuries and came into their best-known form in the 16th century
  4. The gate doors were reinforced with iron plates and during war, sealed tightly with rocks and wood to deter enemy intrusion.
  5. They used sturdy woods like cypress, zelkova, cedar, and pine for gate pillars, beams, tower walls, and floors to make sure they lasted.

3.3 笑いが取れるかも?説明例

Q1: 何故、枡形門が定着したの?

“Why did the box-shaped gate become established?”


👉 Glossaries (便利用語集)


watchguards(警備)warfare technology(戦闘技術)the norm at the time(当時の常識)denounce(罵る) deserter(裏切者)coward(臆病者)mice(ネズミ)reproductive power(生殖力)leave behind offspring(子孫を残す)descendants’ honor(子孫の名誉)









  1. Originally, the castle gate was a simple structure, reinforcing the regular entrance with watchguards.
    • 元々は通常の出入り口の門を警備強化した単純な構成だったのです。
  2. However, as warfare technology advanced, it evolved into a square-shaped structure.
    • しかし戦闘技術が進むに連れて、進化してこのような枡形になりました。
  3. With two gates and stone walls surrounding them like a trap, enemies would be easily killed.
    • 袋の鼠のように2つの門と石垣に囲まれて,容易に殺されてしまうのです。
  4. But what is intriguing is that this square-shaped gate was the norm at the time, so the enemy should have been aware of it.
    • でも、不思議に思うのは、この枡形門は当時の常識だったので、敵もその事は分かっていたはず。
  5. Why would they willingly fall into such a trap like mice?
    • わざわざその罠に自ら入るようなことをしたのでしょうか?
  6. One possible explanation is that soldiers had no choice but to move forward, even if they knew they would die.
    • 考えられることは、死ぬと分かっていても兵隊とすれば前に進むしか、手はなかったのかもしれません。
  7. If they didn’t advance, they would be denounced as deserters or cowards, bringing shame upon their descendants for generations.
    • 前に進まなければ敵前逃亡を理由に裏切り者か卑怯者と子孫の代まで罵られるわけです。
  8. However, mice have strong reproductive power, leaving behind 10,000 offspring in a year from a pair of mice.
    • でも、ネズミは繁殖力が強く二匹のつがいから一年で1万匹の子孫を残します。
  9. So, perhaps mice might die peacefully in a mousetrap for the sake of their descendants’ honor.
    • なのでネズミなら子孫の名誉の為にネズミ捕りで安心して死ねるかもしれません。
  10. But most human soldiers are young, unmarried individuals. If they die, they cannot leave behind any descendants or honor, can they?
    • でも人間の兵士は殆どが結婚前の若者なので、死んだら子孫も彼らの名誉も残せませんよね。
  11. So, many samurais married at a young age, often in their early teens.
    • だからサムライは結婚が早かったんですね。十代前半での結婚が多かった。
  12. Perhaps it was a good time for young people who’d say, ‘I don’t care about my life as long as I can get married,’ a sentiment that remains true throughout history.
    • いつの時代にもいる「死んでもいいから結婚したい」って言う若者には良い時代だったのかも。


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