1. この一言で腑に落ちる?

- This rare museum specializes in phonographs, displaying not only the hardware but also the various sound qualities from more than 600 phonographs and 30,000 SP records in an easy-to-understand manner. Music fans can immerse themselves in nostalgic memories and atmosphere, almost forgotten in this distant foreign country.
- 👉まずはオーソドックスに基本情報でお誘いするパターンから。長いので2文に分けましたがご紹介だけなら通常は最初の文だけでOKでしょう。お誘いするなら2文目もお試しあれ。
1.2 蓄音器で疲労回復って何?

- Three times a day, the museum offers gramophone listening demonstrations, so it is recommended to visit around those times. During the 30-minute sessions, phonographs and records from various countries and manufacturers are presented like a mini-concert, which may help relieve some of your fatigue during your visit to Japan.
- 👉これも定番の在日中のお疲れ癒しでお誘いするパターンです。細かいですが、冗長さの回避と多様性を伝える意図で、前半gramophone(円盤型)と後半phonograph(エジソンの筒型)で分けましたが、雑談レベルでしたら後半のphonographで合わせる事で充分でしょう。
1.3 新鮮に感じるって若者だけ?

- The sound from a phonograph is often described as warm and soothing, enveloping the listener like a gentle bath, and is sometimes referred to as healing music. This may be a new experience for many of today’s young people, who are accustomed to listening to high-quality music through earphones on their smartphones.
- 👉癒しをベースに自分は若いと思っているインバウンド向けの変化球パターンです。
1.4 デジタル世代にとって未知との遭遇?

- For young people who know only the digital technology of smartphones, these exhibits, which are the roots of analog technology, will be as surprising as “Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” the iconic movie. The sound vibrations recorded on a wax cylinder-shaped phonograph and a disk-shaped gramophone may resonate in the hearts of young people like the sound from a UFO floating in the air.
- 👉純粋なデジタル世代を想定して纏めてみましたが、これまでにない超変化球です。なぜなら映画の「未知との遭遇」も知らないかもしれないので。簡単な技術ポイントを伝えたい際にご利用ください。

2.1 建築(匠:たくみ)系
- Although the building has a retro atmosphere, it is actually modern architecture, using brick tiles to match the museum’s exhibition theme. The bold design, with its sharply cut corners, provides an interesting contrast to the more conservative, traditional buildings in the teahouse district, which is only a few minutes’ walk away.
- 👉建築愛好家も様々ですが、今回は伝統的建築とセットで誘うパターンです。
2.2 アート(美)系

- Phonographs are not just acoustic instruments, but also fine pieces of furniture and craftsmanship. The artistic perfection of their high-quality wood, carvings, and metal decorations fascinates the viewer. The unique beauty of the fusion of acoustics and design captivates both the ears and eyes, making them works of art worthy of appreciation.
- 👉今回はストレートでオーソドックスな勧誘パターンです。
2.3 ファッション系
- Visitors are free to take pictures of everything inside the building, including the retro exhibits and displays. You can capture a variety of photos with your favorite phonograph in the background, showcasing your fashion style. These fashionable photos, which are a fusion of retro and modern, will look great on social networking sites.
- 👉定番のスタイルやファッションセンスに自信のある方向けに。
2.4 フード系

- The museum is within a few minutes’ to 10 minutes’ walk from the famous teahouse district and fish market, respectively. Once your ears have been satisfied with the lingering sound of the gramophone, your taste buds can be entertained as well. Whether you choose matcha green tea and sweets or a local fresh fish dish, you will have to decide for yourself, listening to the grumbling sound of your stomach!
- 👉多くのインバウンドはお煎餅が好きなので、レコード盤の様なお煎餅があればって思ってますが。実際にあったらm(_ _)mなさい!
2.5 日本人系

ここでは蓄音器の歴史の中で世界的に知られたビクター社のトレードマークの犬のニッパーと日本人との繋がりも発見できます。蓄音器から流れる亡き主人の声に耳を傾けるニッパーの姿「His Master’s Voice(主人の声)」は多くの日本人に蓄音器の魂の音の様に響いています。東京渋谷駅前でご主人が亡くなっていたことを知らずに駅の前で長い間ずっと待った忠犬ハチ公を思い出します。この感動的な実話はまさに映画の様です!
- Here, visitors can also discover the Japanese connection with Victor’s trademark dog, Nipper, which is a globally well-known part of phonograph history. The image of Nipper listening to his late master’s voice from the gramophone, ‘His Master’s Voice,’ deeply resonates with many Japanese people, much like the soulful sound of a gramophone. It reminds us of Hachiko, the loyal dog who waited in front of Shibuya station in Tokyo for a long time, unaware that his master had already passed away. This dramatically moving real story is just like a Hollywood movie!
- 👉いつも通り日本人の特徴を使ったネタですが、この何?シリーズでも最長クラスで難しい内容なので、長い雑談の機会が得られた時にお試しあれ!
蓄音機試聴デモ(聴き比べ)☛gramophone listening demonstrations!「未知との遭遇」☛ “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”!蝋筒型蓄音機☛a wax cylinder-shaped phonograph!円盤型蓄音機☛ a disk-shaped gramophone!心に響く☛to resonate in the heart!敵の撹乱と要塞化機能☛ 鑑賞に値する☛worthy of appreciation!味覚☛ taste buds! (胃が)ぐうぐう言う音☛ grumbling sound !