1. この一言で腑に落ちる?
1.1 サムライ時代の名残りが垣間見れる?
- For over 300 years, this market has been the vibrant heart of Kanazawa’s food culture, providing a glimpse into the remnants of the samurai era market. Unlike the trendy self-service supermarkets of today, here customers engaged in conversation with vendors to decide what to buy.
1.2 金沢市内で最も活気溢れるエリア?
- It is the most bustling and bustling area in Kanazawa, but it is an everyday festive-like market where everyone gathers just for the sake of eating delicious food.
- 喧騒表現の’hustling and bustling’は少しインフォーマルなのでここでは同じ単語を繰り返して活気のある様を強調してみました。勿論一回でもOKです。
1.3 魚の匂いを忘れてしまう色鮮やかさ?
- The market is filled with fresh seafood from the Sea of Japan, so it smells like fish, but you will forget that as you are dazzled by the colorful fish and local vegetables piled on flatbeds.
日本には多くの伝統的な市場がありますが、そのほとんどは観光用に進化し、今は素晴らしい観光用のサービスを提供しています。でも、この市場は買い物客相手の真剣勝負の場で、観光客には貴重な生々しい体験ができます。 歩くときはお店の邪魔にならないように気を付けて!
- There are many traditional markets in Japan, but most have evolved for tourism and now offer excellent tourist services. However, this market remains a place for serious business with local buyers, giving visitors a rare and vivid experience. Be careful not to disturb the shoppers as you walk through!
2.1 建築(匠:たくみ)系
- Omicho Market, which has a long history and whose value as a tourist resource must not be damaged, maintains its old-fashioned atmosphere while incorporating buildings with modern functions. Many architecture geeks also come to see it.
2.2 アート(美)系

- In the market area, a century-old bank, designed by a world-renowned architect, has been relocated approximately 20 meters using a method known as building towing, aimed at enhancing the historical landscape. The bus stop in front of it provides an artistic atmosphere while awaiting the bus.(Towing a building is an architectural method of lifting a building by its foundation and moving it using a ‘roller’.)
2.3 フード系

a. 漁港近くの食堂の様な海鮮丼?
- At restaurants near Japanese fishing ports, you can enjoy a bowl of rice topped with freshly caught sashimi, but at the Omicho Market, the variety and quantity are so great that you can hardly see the rice underneath.
- Every year in November, when the crab fishing season opens, the fresh fish stores in Omicho Market are dyed vermilion, known as crab collars, and a “Crab Festival” is held, where visitors are offered a hot bowl of crab boiled in a large pot at a discount price.
- Kanazawa is famous for its high-class nodoguro, or “Blackthroat”, at izakaya (Japanese-style pubs) in the market, you can enjoy the unique texture of this fatty, sweet fish, which does not become hard and fluffy even when heated.
2.4 日本人系
a. 市場のサービスで判る日本人の好み?
- When buying fish at the market, if you ask, they will remove the entrails or cut the fish into three pieces so you can cook it right at home.Japanese people really like fish!
- The Omicho Market is crowded from morning to noon and closes in the evening, except for izakaya (Japanese-style pubs). However, recently, vending machines selling sashimi have been installed, allowing people to purchase it even in the middle of the night. This reflects the impatience of Japanese people!
