


 👉本ブログでは《山中漆器》テーマを下記2タイプ(1.商品説明表現用 / 2.工房案内表現用)揃えています。『演習ツール』『Glossary!用語集』は音声サンプルで発音練習ができます。ご興味に合わせてリンクよりお試しください。今回パート(♦印)は本編ブログ(★印)表現の演習ツールで「A級者(日→英の対応が必要な方)向け」となります。

  1. 山中漆器:英語説明表現
  2. 山中漆器:工房案内表現(★本編ブログです。)



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0. 工房見学前の事前説明について




traditional Japanese tableware(日本の伝統食器): be broadly divided into(大きく分類すること):ceramics and lacquerware(陶磁器と漆器):shaping clay, shaving wood(粘土を成形、木を削る):the former,the latter(前者、後者):heat-resistant but fragile(熱に強いが壊れやすい): be adapted to the characteristics(その特徴に合わせられる):be used in different ways(使い分けられる):soup and stew bowls(汁物、煮物のお椀):gold-relief lacquering(金蒔絵):to increase competitiveness(競争力を高める):be divided and specialized(分業化、専門化する):a spirit of forward-thinking(先進性の気風)


D 取り急ぎ”英語”説明できる為のチェック
















  1. 日本の伝統工芸品の食器は大きく分けて陶磁器と漆器に分けられます。
  2. 大きな違いは、陶磁器は粘土を整形して作りますが、漆器は木を削って作ります。
  3. 前者は固く熱に強いですが落とすと壊れやすい一方、後者はその逆の性質を持ちます。
  4. 和食は両者の特徴に合わせて、料理に合わせて使い分けられます。
  5. 一般的に、漆器は汁物、煮物のお椀や、料理皿を置くトレーによく使われています。
  6. 漆器は木で形を作る工程、漆で強度を出す工程、蒔絵で装飾する工程の3工程に分かれています。
  7. 漆器の多くは数百年前から日本各地で作られていて、競争力を高めるため、各工程の分業化と専門化が進みました。
  8. 山中漆器は木の工程でコスト、品質面で優位性があり、木地の生産量は日本でトップクラスです。
  9. 歴史的に政府に頼らず、先進性の気風もあり、木の伝統素材に加え、プラスチックの現代素材も取り入れています。
  10. 山中漆器では木の伝統素材の作業工程と現代素材の作業工程の2種の見学ができます。


  1. Traditional Japanese tableware can be broadly divided into two categories: ceramics and lacquerware.
  2. The main difference is that ceramics are made by shaping clay, while lacquerware is made by shaving wood.
  3. The former is hard and heat-resistant but fragile when dropped, while the latter has the opposite characteristics.
  4. Japanese cuisine is adapted to the characteristics of both, and they are used in different ways to suit different dishes.
  5. In general, lacquerware is often used for soup and stew bowls and for trays on which food plates are placed.
  6. Lacquerware is made in three processes: shaping with wood, strengthening with lacquer, and decorating with maki-e (gold-relief lacquering).
  7. Most lacquerware has been made in various parts of Japan for hundreds of years, and in order to increase competitiveness, each process has been divided and specialized.
  8. Yamanaka Lacquerware has an advantage in cost and quality in the wood process, and is one of the top producers of wood base in Japan.
  9. Historically, the artisans has not relied on the government and has a spirit of forward-thinking, and in addition to traditional materials made of wood, it also incorporates modern materials made of plastic.
  10. At Yamanaka Lacquer Ware, you can see two types of work processes, one for traditional wooden materials and the other for modern materials.


  1. Traditional Japanese tableware encompasses two primary types: ceramics and lacquerware.
  2. Ceramics involve shaping clay, while lacquerware is crafted from shaved wood.
  3. Ceramics are sturdy yet fragile, whereas lacquerware possesses contrasting characteristics.
  4. Japanese cuisine embraces both types for various dishes.
  5. Lacquerware complements soup bowls and food trays exceptionally well.
  6. The creation of lacquerware involves three distinct steps: shaping the wood, reinforcing it with lacquer, and embellishing it with maki-e.
  7. Lacquerware has been made across Japan for centuries, with processes divided to enhance competitiveness in both cost and quality
  8. Yamanaka Lacquerware excels in wood processing, being a leading wood vessel producer in Japan.
  9. Historically, artisans, known for their forward-thinking and independence, introduced modern materials such as plastic alongside traditional wood at Yamanaka.
  10. You can explore two distinct processes at Yamanaka Lacquer Ware: one focused on traditional wood and another centered on modern materials.




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