0.a 工房見学前の事前説明について(ご参考)
- 日本の伝統工芸品の食器は木を削って作る漆器と粘土を整形して作る陶磁器に大きく分けられます。
- 陶磁器は固く熱に強いですが落とすと壊れやすい一方、漆器はその逆の性質を持ちます。
- 陶磁器は粘土が主成分の陶器と粘土にガラス成分の石を混ぜて耐久性を持たせた陶器に分けられます。
- 一般的に陶器は厚手で光を通さず土の素朴な風合いと優しい手触り感があり、磁器は薄手で光を通す透明感から繊細で滑らかな独自の美があります。
- 和食料理では、陶器と磁器の性質、並びに各器の形と色彩のデザインに応じて使い分けられます。
- 陶器は瀬戸焼、美濃焼、信楽焼、磁器には有田焼、九谷焼 、京焼などがあり、数百年にわたる夫々の伝統の違いがあります。
- 陶器製作は大きく分けて、型やろくろで成型する「素地制作」と、その素地に絵を描く「絵付」の2工程に分けられますが、九谷焼では後者の『絵付』に最大の特徴があり、そのデザインと色彩の多様が九谷焼のブランドイメージとなりました。
- 『絵付け』は伝統的な手書きの物と最新デジタル技術を使った「転写」によるものに大きく分けられます。
- 一般的に手書きの絵付けは職人技による芸術性を追求しますが、転写技術ではその芸術性を損なわず、逆に手書きで困難なデザインも実現していて九谷焼の多様化が進みました。
- 工房見学は様々な工程の中で『素地作り』から見せるものと『絵付け』をメインにしたものがありますので、ご自身の興味に合わせた選択が可能です。
- Traditional Japanese tableware can be broadly divided into lacquerware, which is made by shaving wood, and ceramics or china, which is made by shaping clay.
- While ceramics are hard and heat-resistant but easily broken when dropped, lacquerware has the opposite property.
- Ceramics can be divided into two types: pottery, which are primarily composed of clay, and porcelain, which is made by mixing clay with stones, a glass component, to give it durability.
- In general, pottery are thick, impervious to light, and have the rustic texture of clay and a gentle feel to the touch, while porcelain is thin, allowing light to pass through. and has a unique, delicate and smooth beauty to the eyes.
- In Japanese cuisine, pottery and porcelain are used according to their properties, as well as the shape and color design of each vessel.
- Pottery include wares of Seto, Mino, and Shigaraki, and porcelain have wares of Arita, Kutani, and Kyoto, each with a tradition over several hundred years.
- Porcelain production can be broadly divided into two processes: “base production,” which involves molding it’s shape on a potter’s wheel, and “painting,” which involves drawing pictures on the base.
- “Painting” can be broadly divided into two types: traditional hand-drawn and “transferring images” using the latest digital technology.
- Generally, hand-painting pursues artistry through craftsmanship, but the transfer technique does not impair that artistry and, conversely, realizes designs that are difficult to achieve with hand-painting, thereby diversifying Kutani ware world.
- The workshop tour includes two types of tours: one showing the various processes, starting from “making the base” and the other focusing on “painting,” so you can choose the one that best suits your interests.
0.b 今回説明工程(概要)
- 採石・粉砕・水簸(すいひ)・坏土(はいど)・土もみ
- 成形(molding)
- 乾燥・仕上(drying, trimming)
- 素焼
- 下絵付け・施釉(せゆ)(glazing )
- 本窯
- 上絵付け
- 上絵窯焼き・金窯

- 九谷焼には19世紀初めに発見された陶石(花坂産)が200年以上経った現在でも使われています。
- 現在はショベルカーで露天掘りで地表を堀って採石されています。
- 粗砕された陶石は、自動化された機械で杵で衝くように砕かれます。
- 選別された良質の石粉に水を混ぜ、泥漿(でいしょう)を作ります。
- 泥漿から水分を除去し円盤状に型抜きされた原料土の板(ケーキ)を作ります。
- For Kutani ware, a ceramic stone (from Hanasaka) discovered in the early 19th century has been used even today since then.
- Currently, the quarry is excavated by open-pit mining with excavators.
- The coarsely crushed ceramic stone is crushed into small pieces by an automated machine that pound it with a pestle.
- Selected good quality stone powder is mixed with water to make mud plaster.
- The water is removed from the mud plaster to make a clay cake that is molded into a disk shape.
1-2. 成形
- 粘土から成形する手法には、完成品の用途に合わせて、ろくろ成形、鋳込み成形、手作業の成形に分けられます。
- 轆轤成形は円形の器を作るオーソドックスな方式で練った粘土の塊を轆轤で回転させながら成形します。
- 鋳込み成形は石膏の型に液体の粘土を流し込んで成形するので量産が可能で器や置物に使われます。
- 昔ながらの手作業だけによる成形方法は、自由度が高くどんな形でも作れますが、手間暇がかかるため、茶道や記念品等の個性を求められる用途に限られます。
- The methods of molding from clay can be divided into rokuro molding using a throwing, cast molding, and hand molding, depending on the intended use of the finished product.
- Rokuro milding is the orthodox method of making circular vessels, in which a lump of wedged clay is formed by turning it on a throwing.
- Cast molding is used for vessels and figurines because it can be mass-produced by pouring liquid clay into a plaster mold.
- The traditional method of molding by hand alone offers a high degree of freedom and can be used in any shape, but because of the time and effort required, it is limited to applications that require individuality, such as tea ceremonies and commemorative items.
1-3. 乾燥・仕上
- 乾燥工程では天日による自然乾燥や乾燥機が使われます。
- 仕上げ工程では、ある程度粘度が残っているうちに手が加えられます。
- 手作業で急須のつまみや香炉の脚点け等が付け足されます。
- 仕上げカンナを使って高台や縁を削って細かい仕上げがされます。
- In the drying process, natural drying in the sun or a dryer is used.
- In the trimming process, hands are added while some viscosity remains.
- Various items, like pouring pot knobs, incense burner legs, are added by hand.
- A fine finish is applied by shaving off a foot ring and edges using a finishing canner.
1-4. 素焼(Biscuit /Biscue firing)
- この工程では成形物の水分を除去し可燃物を燃やすことで土の乾燥や強度を高めます。
- 窯の中で約8時間焼成しますが、器物の損傷を防ぐため温度はゆっくり上げます。
- 約800度の熱で鼠色の土から肌色の素地となって焼き上がります。
- This process removes water from the molding and burns combustible materials to dry and strengthen the soil.
- The kiln is fired for about eight hours, but the temperature is raised slowly to prevent damage to the vessels.
- It is fired from a rat-colored clay to a skin-colored base at a heat of about 800 degrees Celsius.
- 下絵付け・施釉(せゆ)
- 本窯焼き
- 上絵付け
- 上絵窯焼き・金窯
- 下絵付は釉薬(ゆうやく)をかける前の素焼きの器に柄模様を描くことをいいます。
- 釉薬(ゆうやく)とは、高温で焼くとガラス質に変化し、器を覆う膜となる液体です。
- 釉薬は主に珪石や長石、石灰などを水に溶かしたものです。
- 下絵付では主にコバルトを含んだ顔料(呉須)で描かれます。
- その顔料の色は焼成後は紺色となり 一般には染付と呼ばれる技法です。
- 施釉(せゆう)は、釉薬を素焼きの器にかける工程のことを言います。
- 器の表面に均一に釉薬をかけますが、均等に素早い職人の技が求められます。
- Underglaze painting is the process of drawing patterns on unglazed vessels before glazing.
- A glaze is a liquid that turns glassy when fired at high temperatures and becomes a film covering the vessel.
- Glazes are mainly made of silica stone, feldspar, or lime dissolved in water.
- Underglaze painting is done mainly with cobalt-containing pigments (gozu).
- The color of the pigment becomes dark blue after firing, a technique generally referred to as “Sometsuke.
- Glazing is the process of applying glaze to unglazed vessels.
- The glaze is applied evenly to the surface of the vessel, but requires even and quick craftsmanship.
2-2. 本窯焼き
- 素焼きよりも高い温度の約1300度まで徐々に焼き上げます。
- 焼成時間は約12〜15時間で、本焼きを終えると、素地は白くなり釉薬は透明になる為ツヤが出ます。
- It is gradually baked to a temperature of approximately 1,300 degrees Celsius, which is higher than that of unglazed pottery.
- The firing time is about 12 to 15 hours. After the firing, the base becomes white and the glaze becomes transparent, giving it a luster.
2-3 上絵付け
- 本窯焼きされた白磁の器に呉須(黒)で、輪郭や文様の線描き(骨書き)します。
- 呉須は、コバルト、マンガン、鉄などを含む顔料です。
- 水墨画のように濃淡(呉須濃)で陰影をつけることもあります。
- 基本的に九谷焼は呉須の黒と九谷五彩と呼ばれる緑、黄、紫、紺青、赤の5色の和絵具で彩られます。
- 和絵具を乗せると一旦、呉須線は見えなくなりますが、消えてはいません。
- The outline or pattern is drawn on a white porcelain vessel fired in the main kiln with black gosu (black).
- Gosu is a pigment containing cobalt, manganese, and iron.
- Shading is sometimes applied with shades of gray (kurezu shading), as in ink painting.
- Basically, Kutaniyaki is colored with black Kuresu and five colors of Japanese paints called Kutani Gosai: green, yellow, purple, dark blue, and red.
- Once Japanese paints are placed on the surface, the Kuresu lines are no longer visible, but they have not disappeared.
2-4 上絵窯焼き・金窯
- 上絵付された製品は800〜1000度まで上絵窯で焼成され絵具が器に定着します。
- 淡い色の和絵具が焼成することで、色も変化し、鮮やかな色彩に変化します。
- 和絵具はガラス質に変化することで透明感が出て、下に描かれている呉須も透けて見えます。
- この繊細な文様が浮かぶ独特の透明感は九谷焼の特徴の1つと言われています。
- 金窯工程では上絵窯の次に、更に金彩や銀彩を施して約400度で焼成します。
- The overglaze painted products are fired in an overglaze kiln at 800 to 1000 degrees Celsius to fix the paints on the vessels.
- As the light-colored Japanese paints are fired, the colors also change, transforming them into vibrant hues.
- Japanese paints become transparent by changing to a glassy quality, and the underlying Kuresu can be seen through the painted surface.
- The unique transparency with which this delicate pattern floats is said to be one of the characteristics of Kutaniyaki.
- In the gold kiln process, after the overglaze painting kiln, further gold or silver painting is applied and fired at approximately 400 degrees Celsius.