a) 基本用語:諸々の説明の為に
- 高山陣屋 / Takayama Jinya/a provincial governor’s office/a local governor’s office /a magistrate’s office of Takayama
- 青海波(せいがいは)/blue ocean wave/wave crest pattern
- 拷問具/torture devices
b) 業務用語:支障のない進行の為に
- 人気スポットなので混雑が予想されること。(特にインバウンド等の団体が入る時)
- 混んでいても割り込まないで列に並んで順番に入館する事。
- 昔の日本の役所なので玄関は狭くはないが靴を脱ぐので一度に大勢入れないこと。
- SDGsから靴のバッグ持参が推奨されているが、備え付けのビニール袋はあること。
- 出口は別の場所にあり入口には戻らないので見学中は持ち運び、退館時に廃棄か持ち帰ること。
- 県の管理なのでクレジットカード等のキャッスレスは整っていること。
- 建物の中にトイレはないので、事務所近くの休憩所で済ますこと。
- It is expected to be crowded, as it is a popular spot, especially when groups such as foreign visitors come in.
- Please do not interrupt, even if it is crowded. Enter the building in an orderly manner by standing in line.
- The entrance is not too small, as it was once an old Japanese government office, but it cannot accommodate a large number of visitors at once because they have to take off their shoes.
- To align with SDGs, this place recommends bringing your own bag for your shoes, but you can also use the plastic bag provided at the entrance.
- The exit is in a different location, and you will not return to the entrance. Please carry your bag with you during the tour and dispose of it or take it with you when you exit.
- The cashless system, including credit cards, is well-prepared as this place is administered by the prefecture.
- There are no restrooms in the building, so please use the rest area near the office beforehand if necessary.
《Glossaries!用語集》do not interrupt👉割り込まないで!in an orderly manner👉整然と!by standing in line👉並んで!To align with〜👉〜に合わせて!dispose of〜👉〜を処分する!
1. 高山陣屋って何?って言われる前に
a) かいつまんで言うなら(標準的インバウンド向け)
- 約300年前に建てられた当時の中央政府の出先機関の屋敷がそのまま残ったもの。
- 当時は全国各地に約60あったこの様な事務所でほぼ完全に残ったのはここだけ。
- サムライ時代の行政と裁判の雰囲気が、建物の中を歩くことでリアルに体感できる。
- 特にお勧めは取り調べエリアで、見ただけで気引き締まるような拷問具がある。
- It is a well-preserved remnant of a central government agency’s office and residence built about 300 years ago.
- At that time, there were about 60 such offices around the country, and this is the only one that has remained almost entirely intact.
- You can realistically experience the atmosphere of Samurai-era administration and court proceedings by walking through the building.
- Particularly recommended is the interrogation area, where you can glimpse torture devices, offering a sobering experience.
《Glossaried!用語集》a well-preserved remnant of 〜👉〜のよく保存された名残!almost entirely intact👉殆ど無傷で!interrogation area👉尋問エリア! To glimpse👉垣間見る! torture devices👉拷問機!offering a sobering experience👉身の引き締まる思いがする
b) もっと簡略化するなら(英語が第二言語の方向け)
- サムライ時代の政府の考え方や実務のやり方が一目でわかる貴重な場所。
- 数十年前まで実際に行政で使ってたなんて信じられない位、低セキュリティの昔のままの建物。
- 時代映画の撮影用に作られた建物と勘違いするほど、よくできた歴史的建造物。
- It’s a valuable and rare place where you can quickly see the thinking and practices of government during the Samurai era.
- It’s hard to believe that the building was actually used by the local government until a few decades ago, given that it still retains its low-security, old-fashioned character.
- It is such an authentic historical building that it could be mistaken for a set designed for samurai films.
c) 一言で済ませるなら(米国人向け3例)
- 威圧感が門の幕の人の目の様な家紋を見ただけで感じられるかもしれない所。
- 出口から出た時に、無事に抜けられて良かったと、心から安堵できるかもしれない所。
- 決してクールでない官僚侍たちの当時の仕事ぶりが見られる日本で唯一の場所。
- The intimidation might be felt just by looking at the family crest on the gate banner, which resembles a human eye.
- When you exit, you might feel a genuine sense of relief that you made it out in one piece.
- It is the only place in Japan where you can see how bureaucratic samurais, not exactly cool, worked back then.
《Glosssries!用語集》intimidation might be felt👉威圧感を感じるかもしれない!the family crest 👉家紋! the gate banner👉門の幕!a genuine sense of relief👉 心からの安堵感!to make it out in one piece👉無事に切り抜ける!bureaucratic samurais👉官僚的サムライ!not exactly cool👉イケてない!

- 青海波(せいがいは)は海面の波頭を幾何学的に描いた古代から続く文様。
- 元々は雅楽の踊りの装束に用いられたデザインだがサムライ時代に広く普及した。
- 一般的に静かで穏やかな青い海をブルーの濃淡で表現しているが他色を使う場合もある。
- 横に並んだ均一の丸い波形を縦に重ねることで物事の永続性への祈りが込められている。
- これは織物、陶磁器、服飾などの伝統工芸品や建築部材など様々な装飾品に使われている。
- Seigaiha (blue ocean waves) is an ancient pattern that geometrically depicts the gentle curves of waves on the surface of the sea.
- Originally a design used in traditional dance costumes in Japanese court music, Gagaku, it became widely popular during the Samurai period.
- Typically, the quiet, calm blue sea is depicted in varying shades of blue, both thick and thin, though other colors may also be used.
- The vertical stacking of uniform, rounded waveforms aligned horizontally symbolizes a prayer for the permanence of things.
- It is used in traditional crafts such as textiles, ceramics, and garments, as well as in various decorative items, including architectural components.
Q1 この絵は何を意味しいるのですか?
“What does this picture mean?”
- この絵は「青海波」と呼ばれる、古来から使われてきた日本の伝統的な図柄で描かれています。
- 穏やかで静かな海の波が延々と続くことを表していて、永遠の平和や繁栄を祈念していると言われています。
- 元々は雅楽で使われた題名でその元は古代ペルシアから来たとの説もあります。
- 要は穏やかな海は海外でも幸せの象徴で、時空を超えて文字通り波及効果の様に日本にも伝わったのかもしれませんね。
- でも、多くの訪日外国人には、日本の伝統的な花鳥風月の有名画家の絵でなくてガッカリかもしれませんね。
- しかしながら、日本の城の襖絵の様に中央政府の権威の象徴の虎や鷹を描かせなかったのでしょうか?
- ここは行政府なので、見るからに高コストとわかる豪華な絵は、市民の反感を招くことを恐れたのかもしれません。
- それでWi-Fiマークの様な見るからに低コストのシンプルなデザインにしたのかもしれません。
- もしそうであれば、青の岩絵具はかなり高価なので、黒の墨にすればもっと低コストだったんですけど。
- でも黒い波は津波も連想して不吉なので、白い波にすることはできたかも。
- そうすれば、絵をまったく描かずに壁全体を真っ白なままにして、逆さ白波を立て、葛飾北斎の波の浮世絵のようなイメージを見る者に伝えることができたでしょうにね。
- タイトルは「葛飾北斎の『波』を超える世界最大の海の逆白波」。想像力豊かな芸術家以外、普通の人には白すぎて見えない。
- This painting features a traditional Japanese design known as ‘blue ocean wave,’ which has been used since ancient times.
- It is said to represent the endless waves of the calm and tranquil sea, symbolizing a prayer for eternal peace and prosperity
- There is an ancient Japanese piece of music with this title, and some believe the design originally came from ancient Persia.
- In short, the calm sea is a symbol of happiness even overseas, and it may have spread to Japan like a ripple effect across time and space.
- However, many foreign visitors to Japan may be disappointed that these are not paintings by famous Japanese artists depicting traditional landscapes and animals.
- But why didn’t they have painters depict tigers or eagles, symbols of the central government’s authority, like the sliding door paintings in Japanese castles?
- Since this was the executive branch, they may have feared that a lavish painting, clearly high in cost, would cause public outcry.
- Maybe that’s why they decided on a low-cost, simple design that resembles a Wi-Fi symbol.
- If so, it would have been much less expensive to use black sumi ink, as blue rock paint was quite costly.
- But black waves are also associated with tsunamis and are considered ominous, so they could have depicted white waves instead.
- Then, without painting at all, the entire wall could have been left completely white with inverted whitecaps, creating an evocative image similar to Katsushika Hokusai’s wave ukiyo-e for viewers.
- The title is ‘The World’s Largest Ocean Wave of Inverted Whitecaps Beyond Katsushika Hokusai’s Wave’ It is too white to be seen by normal people, except for imaginative artists.
《Glossaries!用語集》the calm and tranquil sea👉穏やかな海!symbolizing a prayer for〜👉〜への祈りを象徴する!an ancient Japanese piece of music👉雅楽の曲

- 釘隠しは伝統的日本建築で使われた釘の頭を隠すための木製や金属製の装飾カバー。
- 本来は釘の腐食や損傷を防ぎ、釘が衣服に引っかかるのを防ぐ実用の為のもの。
- 平和なサムライ時代には装飾的要素が強くなり様々な意匠が見られるようになった。
- ここの釘隠しは柱をつなぐ上部の梁に使われ視線の高さにある為、装飾的意図が強い。
- 伝統的素材は青銅、銅、鉄などの金属だが現代は様々な合金や最新の新素材も使われる。
- デザインはシンプルな幾何学模様や動物、植物のアイコン、更に抽象的で複雑な模様まで多様。
- 一般的にウサギ、鶴、花、波など日本文化の象徴や平和や繁栄の祈りを込めたものが多い。
- Nail hides are decorative wooden or metal covers used in traditional Japanese architecture to conceal nail heads.
- They were originally intended for practical use, to prevent corrosion and damage to nails and to keep nails from catching on clothing.
- During the peaceful Samurai period, decorative elements became more prominent, and various designs emerged.
- The nail covers here are used on the upper beams connecting the columns and are positioned at eye level, emphasizing their decorative intent.
- Traditional materials include metals such as bronze, copper, and iron, but today, various alloys and modern materials are also used.
- Designs range from simple geometric patterns and animal and plant motifs to more abstract and complex patterns.
- They typically feature symbols of Japanese culture, such as rabbits, cranes, flowers, and waves, along with prayers for peace and prosperity.
Q1 この金具は何のためのものですか?
“What are these fittings for?”
- これは伝統的な日本家屋でよく見られる釘の頭を隠すための装飾金具です。
- 釘が打たれているこの梁は部屋の柱を上部で繋いでいて目の高さで目立つ為、装飾性の高い釘隠しが使われます。
- まるで現代のネットの絵文字の様に多種多様なデザインが全国各地の建物で鑑賞できます。
- 兎は子どもを沢山産むので永遠の繁栄の象徴としてしばしば使われるモチーフです。
- また兎は水を嫌うので、火災から建物を守る願いが込められていたとの説もあります。
- ネットオークションでは釘隠しも人気で特に古いお寺から出てきた珍品とかは高値がつくそうです。
- ここの釘隠しもオークションに出せば、歴史的な価値から相当な高値がつくかもしれません。
- もしかしたら、誰かが夜中に忍び込んで新しい鍵隠しに交換してしまって、これはフェークかもしれませんよ。
- なんたって、セキュリティはサムライ時代のレベルだし、兎は泥棒見ても殆ど鳴きませんので。
- These are decorative fittings that hide the heads of nails, commonly found in traditional Japanese houses.
- This beam, with nails driven into it, connects the room’s pillars at the top and stands out at eye level, so a highly decorative nail cover is used.
- A wide variety of designs can be seen in buildings all over the country, much like pictograms or emojis on the modern Internet.
- The rabbit has often been used as a motif representing eternal prosperity because it bears many offspring.
- Some believe it was also a wish to protect buildings from fire, since rabbits do not like water.
- Nail covers like these are also popular at online auctions, especially rare items from old temples, which fetch high prices.
- This nail cover could also fetch a substantial price due to its historical value if it were auctioned.
- Maybe someone already snuck in during the middle of the night and replaced it with a fake one without being noticed.
- Especially since security is at the level of the samurai era, and rabbits would hardly squeak or make a sound even if they saw the thief.
Q1 ここでは何をしたんですか?
‘What did they do in this area?’

- ここは警察と裁判所を兼ねたところで、主に取り調べを終えた容疑者に判決を言い渡した場所でした。
- お上はここを白い砂や小砂利が敷かれた場所の意味のお白州と名付けました。
- 日本では白色に公明正大の意味あいを持ちますので、そう呼ばせることでお上の裁定のクリーンなイメージ強調しようとしたそうです。
- でも現代の様な科学的捜査の無い当時は、殆どが証拠不十分で自白に頼らざるを得ず、冤罪もかなりあったようです。
- 目の前の拷問具も実際に使うためでなく、ちらつかせることで、自白を促すことが目的だったとのこと。
- ここに座らせれてお裁きを下される、多くの冤罪の被告は、複雑な思いで聞いていたのかもしれません。
- 白い砂といいながら実際は灰色の粗い砂利の上に、無罪の人間を正座させて心身に苦痛を負わせながら公明正大さを宣伝するお上!
- 日本語では建前は立派でも見え透いた嘘をつくことをことを白々しい嘘と言います。
- そのような白々しい嘘で固められたこの場所は違う意味でお白州と言えるかもしれませんね。
- This place served both as a police station and a courtroom, where suspects who had completed their interrogation were sentenced.
- The authorities named this place Oshirasu, meaning a place covered with white sand or gravel.
- In Japan, the color white symbolizes fairness and justice, so by naming it Oshirasu, they were said to be emphasizing the clean image of their rulings
- However, in those days, without the scientific investigations we have today, most cases had to rely on confessions due to insufficient evidence, leading to quite a few false convictions.
- The torture devices displayed in front of the suspects were not used but were intended to intimidate and encourage confessions.
- Many falsely accused defendants who were made to sit here and be judged may have listened with mixed feelings.
- The authorities advertised their fairness by using the term ‘white’ as propaganda, while in reality, they subjected innocent people to physical and mental anguish by making them sit on coarse gray gravel.
- In Japanese, a ‘blatant lie pretending to be fair’ is called a ‘white lie.’
- Thus, this place, cemented with such white lies, could be called a place covered with white sand in a different sense.