1. この一言で腑に落ちる?
1 日本のチベット?
- その街は古来より日本のチベットと言う人もいるくらい山奥で隔絶ししていて、殆どタイムカプセルの中にいる様にサムライ時代の雰囲気がそのまま味わえます。
- The city has been so isolated and deep in the mountains since ancient times that some people call it the Tibet of Japan. You can feel the atmosphere of the Samurai era, almost like being in a time capsule.
2 パリのような街?

- パリが画家の聖地である様に、この街は古代より木工技術の聖地でした。全国の著名な建物の多くは彼ら職人の技術によるもので、その証は街中を歩けば観られます。
- Just as Paris is a mecca for painters, this city has been a mecca for woodworking since ancient times. Many of the nation’s most famous buildings owe their existence to the skills of its craftsmen, which can be seen as you walk through the city.
3 神様は何でお腹一杯?
- 春と秋の祭りには芸術的な彫刻や精巧なからくり人形を屋台に載せて神様に奉納するので、その美しさ見たさに街の人口は数倍に膨れ上がります。
- During spring and fall festivals, artistic sculptures and elaborate karakuri mechanical dolls are placed in stalls and dedicated to the gods. The city’s population swells several times over as people gather to see the beauty of these dolls.

- その街の真ん中には樹齢千年を越える大銀杏の老木と飛騨の匠による芸術的な三重の塔のある小さな古刹があります。誰でも自由に出入りでき好きなだけ鑑賞できるのが申し訳なく感じるほどです。
- In the middle of the city is a small, old temple with a large ginkgo tree over 1,000 years old and an artistic three-story pagoda made by Hida masters. Anyone can freely enter and exit the temple area to admire them as much as they like, which almost makes you feel guilty for the privilege.
- 👉国分寺の名前は使わない例として。

- レンタル着物でおしゃれに街中散歩する時は人力車に乗るのがオススメです。道行く殆どの人達が、座席の貴方に注目しているようで、セレブになった気分も味わえます。
- When strolling around the traditional town streets in a rented kimono, we recommend taking a rickshaw ride. You will feel like a celebrity, as almost everyone will be looking at you in your seat

- 公開されている昔の豪商の住居で芸術を体感して下さい。むき出しのジャングルジムの様な天井は檜や赤松の地元高級材を使い、木目を見せる為に高級漆も塗られた立体芸術です。
- Experience the art in the old wealthy merchant’s residence, which is open to the public. The exposed, jungle gym-like ceiling is a three-dimensional work of art made from local high-grade cypress and red pine, and coated with premium lacquer to highlight the wood grain.

- 高山では日本の高級ブランド和牛のひとつ、飛騨ビーフのお寿司が人気ですが、店によっては倍以上価格が違うので、肉質が違うからなのか、単にぼっているのか注意が必要です。
- In Takayama, sushi with Hida beef, one of Japan’s premium wagyu brands, is very popular. However, be careful, as some restaurants charge more than double the price, whether due to the quality of the meat or simply to overcharge customers.

- 高山の古い街並みはすべて2階建てで、統一感のある見事な美観を提供しています。 これは、当時3階建てだった高山庁舎のプレッシャからという説もあります。
- The traditional building district in Takayama is made up entirely of two-story buildings, providing a unified and stunning aesthetic. Some believe people felt pressured by the Takayama Government Office, which was three stories tall at the time.
- そこには200年以上の歴史を持つ日本最大級の朝市があり、地元の野菜から工芸品まで、即席の店舗で賑わいます。でも正午を過ぎると一気にゴーストタウンのように人影がなくなり、日本人の変わり身の早さがよくわかります。
- There is one of the largest morning markets in Japan, with a history of over 200 years, bustling with impromptu stores selling everything from local vegetables to crafts. However, after noon, the marketplace immediately becomes as empty as a ghost town, showcasing how quickly the Japanese people adapt to new circumstances.