







“Does this floorboard have any special meaning or characteristics?”













  1. 床板は樹齢約千年の紅葉(もみじ)の 一枚板から仕上げられていて、とても貴重で珍しいものです。
  2. 紅葉は、一般的に明るいクリーム色から赤褐色で、まっすぐで、きめ細かく、均一な木目でにより、独特の美しさがあります。
  3. 紅葉は普通に良く使われていて、硬く、強く、耐久性に優れ、衝撃に強いことから、家具、楽器などに好んで選ばれます。
  4. でも、この紅葉の板は樹齢の長さだけでなく二重の意味で貴重でして、この様な大きな1枚の板に仕上げるほどの大きな紅葉の木を探して入手することはめったありません。
  5. 野村家は本当にお金持ちだったんですね、茶室だけでなく、控えの間にもこんな仕掛けをするなんて。
  6. お金持ちって、珍しい高価な材料を使って見せびらかすものなんですけど、サムライの富の見せ方は少し違ったのかもしれません。
  7. 例えば、紅葉であれば天井のアクセントに使って、待つお客様に空想の秋の紅葉を見て楽しんでいただくこともできたかもしれません。
  8. 逆に、目立たない床板に使うことで、曲水に落ちた紅葉の葉っぱのイメージを意図していたのかもしれません。
  9. もしかしたら、紅葉を選んだのは、多くの来客、特に殿様の近臣達から、ねたまれないような意図だったかもしれません。
  10. 紅葉の花言葉は「遠慮」なので、「千年の孤独」ならぬ、「千年の遠慮」を示す為だったの?


  1. The floorboard was crafted from a single piece of a 1,000-year-old maple tree, which is incredibly precious and rare.
  2. Maple wood is generally light cream to reddish-brown in color, with a straight, fine, and uniform grain, which gives it a unique beauty.
  3. Maple wood is commonly used due to its hardness, strength, durability, and impact resistance, making it a popular choice for furniture and musical instruments.
  4. However, this maple board is not only ancient but also precious in a double sense, as it’s rare to find and procure maple trees large enough to craft such an expansive single piece.
  5. The Nomura family must have been quite wealthy to have such a contraption not only in the tea ceremony room but also in the antechamber.
  6. While wealthy individuals often use rare and expensive materials to show off, the samurai’s way of displaying wealth may have been a bit different.
  7. For example, a maple tree could have been used  as a distinctive accent in a ceiling, allowing waiting guests to enjoy the view of imagined autumn leaves.
  8. On the other hand, the use of inconspicuous floorboards may have been intended to evoke the image of autumn leaves falling into the meandering water of the garden.
  9. Perhaps the maple tree was chosen to avoid being pestered by many visitors, especially the lord’s lieutenants.
  10. Since the language of maple flowers symbolizes reservation, could it have been meant to represent a thousand years of restraint, rather than a thousand years of loneliness?


仕掛けがある👉to have a contraption !広大な一品 👉an expansive single piece!目立たない床板に使用すること👉the use of inconspicuous floorboards!庭の曲水👉the meandering water of the garden!〜から妬まれる👉 be pestered by〜!主君の近臣達👉the lord’s lieutenants!遠慮を象徴する👉to symbolize reservation!千年の遠慮👉a thousand years of restraint!


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