1. この一言で腑に落ちる?
1 どんな世界遺産?
- It is a precious World Heritage site where people still live in the same living environment as they did hundreds of years ago, and about 2 million tourists a year flock to the 100 or so small gassho-zukuri villages.
- 👉まずは、多くのサイト紹介ネタのオーソドックスなところから。
2 天然素材のテーマパーク?
- It’s like a naturally formed theme park constructed from organic materials, where houses of various sizes are scattered throughout a deep mountain crevice, reminiscent of the dwarf houses found in fairy tales.
- 👉地元の方々はテーマパークという表現を好みませんが、天然素材で自然発生したテーマパークと言えばインバウンドも腑に落ちる?
3 最も日本的でない風景?
- An acclaimed German architect who visited the area about a hundred years ago described it as the most un-Japanese landscape because its gassho-zukuri architecture is too rational and logical.
- 👉日本建築を世界にPRしてくれた大恩人のブルーノ・タウト氏の名もここでは控えます。
4. 現代人より幸せな村だった?
- It’s a realm of wonders where past inhabitants endured centuries of inconvenience in the bitterly cold and narrow confines of the mountainous terrain. Yet, one might ponder whether they were, in fact, happier than modern individuals who prioritize comfort、
- 👉環境保護に興味のあるインバウンド想定例として。
5 南海孤島のモアイ像と同じ?

- If you’re intrigued by unraveling the mystery of the Moai statues on a remote South Sea island, their origins, and their uniform direction, why not attempt to solve a similar puzzle involving the Gassho-zukuri houses on a remote isolated island-like spot? It might seem straightforward at first glance!
- 👉かなりの変化球ですが、オタクっぽいインバウンドに刺さりますかネ?
reminiscent of the dwarf houses(小人の家を思わせる)be scattered throughout a mountain crevice(山間に散らばって)an acclaimed architect(ある高名な建築家)be rational and logical(合理的で論理的)a realm of wonders (驚異の領域) past inhabitants (昔の住民)to endure centuries of inconvenience (何世紀もの不便に耐える)the bitterly cold(極寒) narrow confines of the mountainous terrain(山間の狭い僻地)to ponder whether〜(〜かどうか思い巡らす) be intrigued by 〜(にそそられる)unraveling the mistery of 〜(〜の謎を解く)at first glance(一目で)

1 白川郷の家屋は「切妻合掌造り」という、屋根の両端が本を開いて伏せたような三角形に組まれていて約60度の急勾配の屋根は茅葺で雪を積もりにくく滑り易くする効果があります。
- The houses in Shirakawa-go are called “gable gassho-zukuri,” which means that the ends of the roof are built in a triangular shape like an open book lying face down, and the thatched steep roof slopes of about 60 degrees are designed to prevent snow from accumulating and to make it easier for slipping.
2 合掌造りの屋根裏は湿気で錆びる釘などの金物を使用せず、縄や植物の若木で縛って組まれているので、強風や雪の重みにも耐え、柔軟でしなやかな構造で外部からの圧力を分散します。
- Gassho-zukuri attics are constructed without nails or other metal objects that rust due to moisture, but are tied together with ropes and young plants, so they can withstand the weight of strong winds and snow, and their flexible and supple structure disperses pressure from the outside.

3 料理と暖房の為の 一階の囲炉裏は建物を守る役目があり、その煙は隙間が空いた二階の床を通して茅葺き屋根から抜けるようになっていて、屋内の茅や梁などの木材をいぶして害虫や腐りから守る効果があります。
- The sunken hearth on the first floor, for cooking and heating, serves to protect the building, and its smoke escapes through the thatched roof through the gaping of second floor, which fumigates the indoor thatch, beams, and other wood materials to protect them from pests and rot.

- In the attic of the gassho-zukuri, there is an exhibition of the production process of sericulture, which has a history of several hundred years. It shows that the beautiful luster and unique smoothness of silk is produced from raw silk from the cocoons of silkworms bred here.

- 地面から生えた大小様々のキノコの様に横並びした合掌造りの家々の風景は、四季の木々の色彩や雪の白と夜の明かりの明暗の組み合わせて、多くの絵画や写真で芸術的に表現されています。
- The scenery of gassho-houses lined up side by side like mushrooms of various sizes growing out of the ground has been artistically expressed in many paintings and photographs, combining the colors of the trees in the four seasons, the white of the snow, and the light and dark of the night lights.
2 世間から隔絶されたこの狭い村を飽きる事なく何度も訪れたくなるのは、感動させようという作為なく、合理性をひたすら求めた機能美の成果といえ、アートの本質を考えさせてくれます。
- Many never tire of visiting this small village isolated from the rest of the world, and want to come back again and again. It might be the result of functional beauty, which is not an attempt to impress, but rather a relentless pursuit of rationality, making us think about the essence of art.
- In the fall, a doburoku festival is held for more than 1,000 years, where visitors are served doburoku, a cloudy white sake made from unfiltered raw sake, and the venue is filled with a mellow aroma.

1 合掌と呼ぶ、何かを祈る時の両手を合わせる形に似ているから名付けられた合掌造りの形は実際はほぼ正三角形で完全な合掌の手の形ではありませんが、それはここに深く根付いた日本人の宗教心の現れです。
- However the gassho-zukuri house was named after the resemblance of ‘gassho’, the shape of two hands together when praying, it is actually almost an equilateral triangle, not a perfect gassho hand shape. It could be said to be a manifestation of the deeply rooted Japanese religious spirit here.
2 合掌造りの屋根の茅葺きは約20〜30年に一度、村民組織で差し替えられ、アーミッシュの共同作業のような風景ですが、日本人独自の相互扶助の精神によるものです。
- The thatching of the gassho-zukuri roofs is replaced every 20 to 30 years by an organization of villagers, a scene that resembles Amish communal work, but is based on the spirit of mutual support unique to the Japanese.
thatched steep roof slopes(茅葺きの急勾配の屋根)supple structure (しなやかな構造) to disperse pressure(圧力を分散する)a sunken hearth(囲炉裏)to fumigate the indoor thatch(室内の茅を燻蒸する)the production process of sericulture(養蚕の生産工程)raw silk from the cocoons of silkworms(蚕の繭の生糸)a relentless pursuit of rationality(あくなき合理性の追求)a mellow aroma(芳醇な香り)almost an equilateral triangle(ほぼ正三角形)to resemble Amish communal work(アーミッシュの共同作業に似ている)