




1. この一言で腑に落ちる?



  • These are the cherry blossoms, the symbolic flowers that herald the arrival of spring in Japan, and since they are in full bloom for only two weeks, we are very fortunate to be able to see them up close and personal.
    • 👉2週間だけ限定と限定感をあおる例、通じるとよいですね。


  • The cherry blossoms during the day are very beautiful, but the blossoms illuminated by lights at night are also worth seeing, looking like a mass of snow floating in the dark night.
    • 👉多くの夜ひまな訪日外国人向け?


  • Most of the cherry trees in the park are horticultural varieties that have been cultivated over the years by planters and gardeners, but in ‘satoyama’, small moutains in countryside, natural wild cherry trees are also in bloom, offering a different colorful experience.
    • 👉長期滞在のインバウンド向け。


  • There are more than 500 varieties of cherry trees in Japan, with different blooming styles, colors, and blooming times, so many people travel throughout the country to find and view their favorite cherry blossom according to their preferences!
    • 👉メニューの多さでそそる例になる?


  • The cherry blossoms start as pale red at the beginning of their bloom and transition to a near-white color when they are in full bloom, providing locals with a daily display of changing colors.
    • 👉近くの公園しか行く時間がない人向け?


  • At cherry blossom viewing spots throughout Japan, there are cherry blossoms with drooping branches, and walking under them is like walking under a shower of cherry blossoms.
    • 👉お風呂やシャワー好きの人を誘う例になる?




1: 広葉樹である桜の木は固く重く強度があって傷がつきにくいので家具、フローリング、木製漆器等に使われ個性的な木目が楽しめます。

  • As a hardwood, cherry wood is solid, heavy, strong, and scratch-resistant. It is used for furniture, flooring, and wooden lacquerware, and its unique grain can be enjoyed.
    • 👉一般向けネタではありませんが、自然派のビーガンやベジタリアンであれば木目の自然美も気にいるかも?



  • The cherry blossom is a simple and highly designable symmetrical shape consisting of five petals, and is used all over the world as a spring-themed design, from bento boxes to emojis.
    • 👉日本人系のネタでもありますが、絵文字はぜひ試してみたいと思わせたいですね。


  • There are various styles of hanami, where those who want to experience Japanese culture can experience tea ceremonies under cherry trees , and enjoy Noh plays called shin-noh, which are viewed by torchlight at night.
    • 👉能に関心がある人は日本マニアなので、言われなくもわかってるかも?



  • The pink gentleness of the cherry blossom’s appearance and the meaning of “graceful woman” in the language of flowers make it possible to experience a variety of cherry blossom design fashions in Japan, from high-class kimonos to casual, everyday wear.
    • 👉ショッピングかレンタルショップにも誘導する例として。



  • In Japan, there have been events to compose poems while appreciating cherry blossoms since the aristcrat era. During the Samurai period, common people also began to hold parties under the cherry blossoms, and today, hanami, sakkura viewing events, are held all over the country.
    • 👉フード系ワードは「宴会」しかありませんが、それで関心を引く例として。


  • Japan has a national snack called sakura mochi, which is made by salting fallen cherry leaves and wrapping them around a rice cake. However, many foreigners visiting Japan cannot eat it because they do not like the sweet bean paste inside the confection.
    • 👉一般的に豆に砂糖を入れる食習慣がない国の人はダメですが、逆にチャレンジしてみようと思う人がいるかもしれませんので軽く挑発する例として。



  • Since the timing of the blooming of cherry blossoms, which heralds the arrival of spring, is the greatest concern of the Japanese people, the mass media publish the annual forecast by the Japan Meteorological Agency on a map, naming it the “cherry blossom front,” and the whole country is in an uproar every day.
    • 👉日本人の可笑しさを説明する例として。


  • Cherry blossoms remind us of the ideal way of life of Japanese people, as they endure a long winter, bloom brilliantly in spring, and then fall without a trace.Samurais and soldiers, in particular, were often imbued with beautiful images of themselves in death.
    • 👉日本人の価値観、死生観を説明する定番ネタとして。


  • There is a legend in Japan that cherry blossoms bloom so beautifully because there are dead bodies buried under the blossoming trees, sucking their blood, and some novelists used this as a basis for their stories.
    • 👉日本人の想像力の豊かさの説明例で桜の樹の下へ関心を引く?


  • Today hanami is a major spring event, where families can sample delicacies from all over Japan at food stalls together, or have an evening date under the illuminated cherry blossoms in full bloom, but many people say they did not enjoy it fully because of its cold and chilly air.
    • 👉同じく夜はすることがない多くの訪日外国人向け説明例として。




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