






  • D1:日英確認用:『日本語』と”英語”対訳の音声ファイル
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  • D2:口頭即訳用:『日本語』音声ファイルのみ(ポーズの間に英訳)
    • 各文の日本語の後はポーズになっていますので、その間に英訳できます。
  • D3:リピーティング用:”英語”音声ファイルのみ(ポーズ無し)
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  • D4:内容チェック用:”英語”のみ(低速版:or同通演習用)
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👉 いつも通り、音声は❶日英の確認❷英語のチェック❸日から英訳の3タイプです。(このパートのご利用は少々お待ちください。)

1. この一言で腑に落ちる?












1 松は日本人にとって特別な存在で、常緑で枯れず、一年を通して変わらないので、長寿、不動、美の象徴として至る所に植えられ日常的に楽しまれています。

  • Pine trees have a special place in the hearts of Japanese people. Evergreen, never withering, and unchanging throughout the year, they are planted everywhere and enjoyed on a daily basis as symbols of longevity, steadfastness, and beauty.

2 松の鑑賞法は様々ですが庭師が剪定している大名庭園は特にお勧めで、優美な樹形は左右非対称で微妙に個々に異なり、立体的なデザイン絵画の様にも見えます。

  • There are many ways to appreciate pine trees, but the Daimyo Garden, where the trees are pruned by a master gardener, is particularly recommended. The elegant shapes of the trees, which are asymmetrical and slightly different from each other, resemble a three-dimensional design painting.

3 もし美的な松を見るなら近場の日本庭園か盆栽イベントが良いですが、もう少し足を伸ばせば、砂浜や岩の上の大自然の中の広大な松林を楽しむ事もできます。

  • If you want to see aesthetic pine trees, a nearby Japanese garden or bonsai event is a good choice, but if you go a little further, you can also enjoy vast pine forests on sandy beaches or rocks in the wilderness.

4 松にはリラックス効果があると言われ、それは見た目の緑の優しさだけでなく針葉樹特有の香り成分によるもので、多くの日本人が近場の松林で森林浴に親しんでいます。

  • Pine trees are said to have a relaxing effect not only because of their gentle green appearance but also because of their unique coniferous fragrance. Many Japanese people enjoy forest bathing in nearby pine forests.

5 東京の皇居前の広大な芝生の広場にはクロマツが約2000本植えられていて、他にはない雰囲気に浸れるのは、芝生の上に寝転んで松林から高層ビルを仰ぎ見れるからです。

  • The vast lawn in front of the Imperial Palace in Tokyo is planted with approximately 2,000 black pines, and you can immerse yourself in an atmosphere like no other by lying on the grass and looking up at the skyscrapers in the distance from the pine forest!













1 その「硬さ」と「色艶」から松は古くから建物の梁(はり)として重宝されていて、全国の著名な城や寺院で文化財として見ることができます。

  • Because of its “hardness” and “color and luster,” pine tree has long been valued for use as beams in buildings, and can be seen as cultural assets in famous castles and temples throughout Japan.



  • The background of a Noh stage always depicts a pine tree as a tree in which a deity dwells. Although it is not an artistic picture, audience watching a Noh play performed in front of it might feel a special presence and sometimes an ethereal atmosphere as if it were alive, due to their own emotional changes.

2 近世水墨画の最高傑作と言われる国宝があります。それが表現しているのは、背後にある、目には見えない閑静な松林の奥深さです。その前面にある数本の松林を描くことで、そしてそれもまた霞でかすんでいるのです。更に、その画家は粗く速い筆致で描いていて、近くで見るとまだ下書きの様に見えます。そのギャップに戸惑うかもしれませんが、そこに禅的世界を感じられるかもしれません。

  • There is a national treasure that has been considered a masterpiece of early modern ink painting, which expresses the depth of the quiet unseen pine forest in the background by depicting the front several pine trees, which are also obscured by a haze. Additionally, the painter drew with a rough and fast brushstroke that still appears to be a rough draft when viewed up close, so you may be puzzled by the gap and feel a Zen-like world in it.

3 生きた芸術として崇められる盆栽の中で、松は際立っていて最も人気があります。その持って生まれた風格と美しさ、そして驚くべき長寿と相まって、あるものは数百年前にさかのぼりますが、非常に珍重されます。あるものは1億円を超える値段がついています。値札そのものが芸術品と言えるかも!

  • Among bonsai, revered as a living art form, the pine tree stands out as the most popular choice. Its inherent dignity and beauty, coupled with its remarkable longevity—some specimens dating back several hundred years—make it highly prized, with certain specimens fetching prices exceeding a hundred million dollars. One might even consider the price tag itself a work of art!


1. 松は長寿の象徴として貴族時代より文様化され、現代にいたるデザインへ多様化しました。そして、松の常緑のイメージ通り、通年使える着物や帯の柄として多く用いられています。

  • Pine trees have symbolized longevity since the aristocratic period and have been incorporated into a wide variety of designs up to the present day. And, as the evergreen image of pine trees suggests, it is often used as a pattern for kimonos and obis that can be used all year round.


1 松茸と言うキノコは松の木の近くで採れるのてすが、日本の高級食材の代表です。そして多くのグルメがその香りに魅せられ、土瓶蒸しにスダチをかけて、その秋の珍味を高級料亭で堪能します。

  • Matsutake mushrooms, which are harvested near pine trees, are a representative of Japan’s high-end foodstuffs, and many gourmets, enchanted by their aroma, enjoy this autumn delicacy steamed in an earthenware teapot with sudachi (a type of citrus fruit) in fine restaurants.


1. 松は厳しい自然環境でも逞しく育つことで知られ、日本人の美徳である「忍耐」を体現しています。更に松の美的価値を高めてきのが、膨大な技術とお金と時間の投資で、それで現在の日本の美観が作られたのです。つまるところ、日本の松は日本人の「忍耐」から産まれた高品質製品と言えるかもしれませんね。ほんとに日本人って忍耐好き!

  • Pine trees, known for their robust growth even in harsh natural environments, embody the Japanese concept of ‘patience,’ a cherished virtue. Moreover, their aesthetic appeal has been enhanced through substantial investments of skill, money, and time, shaping the landscapes of Japan. Hence, one could argue that Japanese pine trees represent high-quality products born from the patience of the Japanese people.Japanese really love patience!

2 松林を散歩していると偶に見られるのが、松の樹皮が大きくえぐられた長方形の傷跡です。それは戦時の名残りでガソリン代わりに松脂油を採取しようしたのです。そこから伝わるのは当時の日本人の哀しさですね。古代より神が宿る木として松を大切にしてきた人たちなのに。

  • When strolling through pine forests, one can sometimes see rectangular scars where the pine bark has been gouged out. These are the remnants of wartime attempts to extract pine oil in place of gasoline.It conveys the pathos of the Japanese people of that time, who had cherished the pine as a tree in which gods dwelled since ancient times.




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