1. この一言で腑に落ちる?
- The tea ceremony may seem like nothing more than drinking powdered green tea in a tea room, but it is a traditional practice that combines Zen spirituality and the aesthetic sense of the Japanese people. By drinking tea served in front of you in a manner that has been refined and perfected over hundreds of years, you may feel that you have truly experienced Japan.
- 👉茶道はキーワードが多すぎて選択に迷いますが、まずは何も知らない方へシンプルにお誘いするパターンから。長いので2文に分けましたが、前文だけでそそられたら儲けもの。
1.2 日本のオモテナシそのもの?
- The tea ceremony epitomizes Japanese hospitality, with the host expressing a heartfelt welcome to guests by serving tea in a tea room they have carefully prepared. Guests, in turn, can show their gratitude while immersing themselves in the host’s intentions through all five senses, easing both physical and mental fatigue from their day’s journey.
- 👉定番の来日のお疲れ癒しパターンですが、茶道キャッチフレーズのオモテナシはここに入れてみました。
1.3 椅子やテーブルもOKの伝統文化体験?
- The centuries-old authentic tea ceremony is so intricate that even modern Japanese people may shy away from it. However, there are now tea ceremony schools throughout Japan that have simplified some of the manners and procedures, allowing for a shorter experience. Additionally, some tea ceremonies accommodate chairs and tables, so you can relax and enjoy the experience according to your preferences and physical comfort.
- 👉これも定番の気軽にお試しできますパターンです。「茶道体験」でググれば選択に迷うほどです。
2.1 建築(匠:たくみ)系
- The simple yet irregular design of the tea room and the use of natural materials such as Japanese paper, wood, and clay convey a uniquely Japanese ‘wabi and sabi’ sensibility—the beauty of simplicity and age—that stands in stark contrast to modern architecture. For example, natural light shining through shoji screens may create unique variations of shadows in the tea room, offering a deep sense of space.
- 👉茶道は建築ネタも沢山ありすぎて困りますが、重要キーワードの「侘び寂び」はここに入れました。
2.2 アート(美)系
- The tea ceremony is said to be a comprehensive art form, showcasing artistic tea utensils, hanging scrolls, ikebana arrangements, and Japanese confectionery props in an exquisitely designed tea room. The host’s performance, called temae, is conducted with the grace of a smoothly flowing river before the guests’ eyes. For those who lack the artistic sensibility to fully appreciate it, the experience may merely seem cramped and uncomfortable, without even the pleasure of good tea.
- 👉アート系ネタも迷いますが、やはり最初は「総合芸術」ですね。落としどころはいつもの芸術センスを自負しているインバウンドを想定。
2.3 ファッション系
- While it is perfectly acceptable to participate in a tea ceremony wearing modern attire, the experience becomes even more immersive when you wear a kimono. These days, visitors can easily find kimono rental shops in town, and some tea ceremony hands-on classes even include a kimono dressing service. Just make sure to know your foot size and height in advance!
- 👉今回はリアルなイメージが想像できるように具体的なアクションを入れてみました。
2.4 フード系
- The wagashi served at the tea ceremony represent the season and the flowers that bloom in that season, allowing you to appreciate both bitter and sweet tastes simultaneously with the matcha. For a more comprehensive culinary experience, there are plans that combine a tea ceremony with kaiseki cuisine or Buddhist vegetarian meals.
- 👉欲張って苦み+甘未の味覚の世界とセット料理のボリュームの世界両方を織り込んでみました。お相手の状況に合わせたご提案にも使えます。
2.5 日本人系
- The basis of the tea ceremony includes the idea of treating everyone equally, regardless of social status, which some say is influenced by the Christian concept of equality. Furthermore, the founder of the tea ceremony, who perfected the art more than four hundred years ago, died in a manner similar to Christ. Why not try a hands-on tea ceremony experience to explore the commonalities between these two great philosophies, which have attained eternality through the death of their founders?
- 👉多くの訪日外国人には茶道=日本人なので、今回は茶道に全く興味のないインバウンドを想定して超変化球で纏めてみました。長い雑談の機会が得られた時にぜひお試しあれ!又いつも通り多くのインバウンドは固有名詞に関心ありませんので不足と思われる箇所は随時アレンジください。
磨かれ完成された☛be refined and perfected!日本オモテナシを物語る☛epitomize Japanese hospitality.!詫び寂び☛’wabi and sabi’ sensibility—the beauty of simplicity and age!窮屈で居心地悪い☛ cramped and uncomfortable!足のサイズと身長☛foot size and height!総合的な料理体験☛ comprehensive culinary experience! 永久性を得する☛to attain eternality!