In contrast to the aristocratic Zen temples in Kyoto, this Zen temple in Kanazawa offers a unique experience with a slightly different atmosphere, reflecting the town’s history of samurai warriors.
Unlike the serene Zen temples of Kamakura, established during its tumultuous samurai period, you might be able to discover a more refined ambiance here, showcasing the peaceful cultural essence of the new samurai era.
Since this Zen temple is located near the birthplace of D.T. Suzuki, the religious philosopher who popularized Zen thought in the West, you may find the sauce of his thinking in the temple.
《Glossalies:用語集》aristocratic Zen temples(貴族的禅寺)serene Zen temples(静謐な禅寺)tumultuous samurai period(動乱の武士の時代)a refined ambiance(洗練された雰囲気)a religious philosopher(宗教哲学者) to popularize Zen thought (禅思想を広める)
Since this temple was built as the family temple of the lords of Kanazawa Castle and Kenrokuen Garden, it might feel like a ‘house’ of architecture and garden geek.
In a compact space near downtown Kanazawa, you can experience the essence of a Zen temple, offering everything from Zen meditation and tea ceremonies to vegetarian cuisine—all in one place!
《Glossalies:用語集》a family temple(菩提寺)a ‘house’ of geek(オタクの御宅)Zen meditation (座禅) vegetarian cuisine(懐石料理)
There is a mini-Zen meditation course here for foreigners visiting Japan, and you may be able to enter a Zen monk’s state of mind during the Samurai period!
The Zen meditation experience for foreign visitors to Japan is a 2-hour course that includes 10 minutes of matcha green tea and Japanese sweets.
In the evening, the kaiseki course, tea ceremony dishes, is limited to the first 20 participants, but why not immerse your body and soul in the Zen monk’s spirit?
On Saturdays, you can also experience a formal tea ceremony, so why don’t you rent a kimono and enjoy the feeling of being a lord of the Kanazawa castle ?
《Glossalies:用語集》foreigners visiting Japan/ foreign visitors to Japan(訪日外国人) a Zen monk’s state of mind/ Zen monk’s spirit(禅僧の境地)kaiseki course, tea ceremony dishes(懐石料理) the first 20 participants(先着20名)to immerse your body and soul in 〜(〜に心身浸らせる)the feeling of being a lord (殿様気分)