



  1. 【A】解説『そう来ると思ってました!』最頻出6表現
    1. 1. I was expecting you to bring that up!
    2. 2.I figured you’d say that!
    3. 3. I had a feeling you’d mention that!
    4. 4. I knew you’d show up with that!
    5. 5. I knew you’d come through with that!
    6. 6.I knew you’d pop in with that!
    7. 【A】ALL:全6フレーズ連続音声
  2. 【B】日常会話6例(Private Situations:私生活)
    1. ❶I was expecting you to bring that up!(休暇の相談をされて)
    2. ❷I figured you’d say that!(ハイキングの話をされて)
    3. ❸I had a feeling you’d mention that!(趣味の自慢をされて)
    4. ❹I knew you’d show up with that!(ゲームの自慢をされて)
    5. ❺I knew you’d come through with that!(お土産持ってきてくれて)
    6. ❻I knew you’d pop in with that!(写真撮りに誘われて)
    7. 【B】ALL:全6会話連続音声
  3. 【C】日常会話6例(Professional Situations:職場)
    1. ➀I was expecting you to bring that up!(プロジェクトの提案されて)
    2. ➁I figured you’d say that!(ワークショップの相談されて)
    3. ➂I had a feeling you’d mention that!(納期の問題を出されて)
    4. ➃I knew you’d show up with that!(レポートの報告をされて)
    5. ⑤I knew you’d come through with that!(仕事の自慢をされて)
    6. ⑥I knew you’d pop in with that!(いきなりお願いされて)
    7. 【C】ALL:全6会話連続音声
  4. 【D】訪日外国人ご案内@6例文
    1. ❶I was expecting you to bring that up!(地元料理食べたい!)
    2. ❷I figured you’d say that!(歌舞伎が観たい!)
    3. ❸I had a feeling you’d mention that!(神社もっと知りたい!)
    4. ❹I knew you’d show up with that!(お寿司食べてみたい!)
    5. ❺I knew you’d come through with that!(お祭りに参加したい!)
    6. ❻I knew you’d pop in with that!(茶道体験してみたい!)
    7. 【D】ALL:全6会話連続音声
    8. 御礼🔶後書き



1. I was expecting you to bring that up!


1. I was expecting you to bring that up!

2.I figured you’d say that!


2.I figured you’d say that!

3. I had a feeling you’d mention that!


3. I had a feeling you’d mention that!

4. I knew you’d show up with that!


4. I knew you’d show up with that!

5. I knew you’d come through with that!


5. I knew you’d come through with that!

6.I knew you’d pop in with that!


6:I knew you’d pop in with that!




【B】日常会話6例(Private Situations:私生活)


❶I was expecting you to bring that up!(休暇の相談をされて)

  • A: So, about our vacation plans….(それで、休暇の計画なんだけど…。)
  • B: I was expecting you to bring that up. You’ve been so excited about it!(あなたがその話を持ち出すと思っていたわ。とても興奮していたからね!)

❷I figured you’d say that!(ハイキングの話をされて)

  • A: How about a hike this weekend?(今週末のハイキングはどう?)
  • B: I figured you’d say that. You love the outdoors so much!(そう言うと思ったよ。アウトドアが大好きなんだから!)

❸I had a feeling you’d mention that!(趣味の自慢をされて)

  • A: I’ve started a new hobby—pottery!(新しい趣味、陶芸を始めたのよ!)
  • B: I had a feeling you’d mention that. You’ve been talking about it a lot lately!(そう言うと思った。最近、よくその話をしていたからね!)

❹I knew you’d show up with that!(ゲームの自慢をされて)

  • A: Guess what? I brought the board game!(何だと思う?ボードゲームを持ってきたんだ!)
  • B: Oh, I knew you’d show up with that! Game nights are your thing.(ああ、そう来ると思ったよ!ゲームナイトはお得意だもの。)

❺I knew you’d come through with that!(お土産持ってきてくれて)

  • A: I brought your favorite dessert.(君の好きなデザートを持ってきたよ。)
  • B: I knew you’d come through with that. You always remember!(貴方ならそうだろうと思ってました。いつも覚えてくれてる!)

❻I knew you’d pop in with that!(写真撮りに誘われて)

  • A: I brought my new camera gear. Let’s take some photos around town.(新しいカメラ機材を持ってきた。街中で写真を撮ろう。)
  • B: I knew you’d pop in with that! You’re always ready for a photo session.(そう言うと思った!貴方はいつでもお写真レディ状態だよね。)




【C】日常会話6例(Professional Situations:職場)


➀I was expecting you to bring that up!(プロジェクトの提案されて)

  • A: We need to discuss the additional resources for the project.(プロジェクトの追加リソースについて話し合う必要があります。)
  • B: I was expecting you to bring that up. It’s been a concern for a while.(その話を持ち出すと思っていたよ。以前から気になっていたんだ。)

➁I figured you’d say that!(ワークショップの相談されて)

  • A: How about we plan a team-building workshop?(チームビルディングのワークショップを企画されたらどうでしょうか?)
  • B: I figured you’d say that. You’re always thinking about improving team dynamics.(そう言うと思ったよ。いつもチーム力向上を考えてますものね。)

➂I had a feeling you’d mention that!(納期の問題を出されて)

  • A: I think we need to address the tight deadline issue.(タイトな納期の問題に取り組む必要があると思う。)
  • B: I had a feeling you’d mention that. It’s been on everyone’s mind.そのことを言われるような気がしてました。誰もが気になっていたことですから。)

➃I knew you’d show up with that!(レポートの報告をされて)

  • A: I’ve got the updated report you requested.(ご要望の最新レポートを入手しました。)
  • B: I knew you’d show up with that. Thanks for being on top of it!(そう来ると思ったよ。何はともあれ、ありがとう!)

⑤I knew you’d come through with that!(仕事の自慢をされて)

  • A: I finished the presentation early.(プレゼンは早めに終えました。)
  • B: I knew you’d come through with that. You always deliver!(そう来ると思ってたよ。あなたはいつもやってくれる!)

⑥I knew you’d pop in with that!(いきなりお願いされて)

  • Client: I’d like to see the new design concepts you mentioned.(あなたが仰った新しいデザインコンセプトを見たいです。)
  • Designer: I knew you’d pop in with that request! Let me show you the latest concepts.(そう言われると思ってました!最新のコンセプトをお見せしましょう。)






❶I was expecting you to bring that up!(地元料理食べたい!)

  • Visitor: Is it possible to try some local street food?(地元の屋台料理を食べることはできますか?)
  • Guide: I was expecting you to bring that up. Let’s explore the street food stalls in the market.(そう来ると思ってました。 市場の屋台を探索しましょう。)

❷I figured you’d say that!(歌舞伎が観たい!)

  • Visitor: We’d love to see a traditional kabuki performance.(伝統的な歌舞伎をぜひ観たいです。)
  • Guide: I figured you’d say that. I’ll get tickets for a kabuki show for you.(そう言われるとと思っておりました。歌舞伎のチケットをご用意します。)

❸I had a feeling you’d mention that!(神社もっと知りたい!)

  • Visitor: We’re really interested in learning more about Shinto shrines.(私たちは神社についてもっと知りたいと思っています。)
  • Guide: I had a feeling you’d mention that. I can take you to some of the most important shrines.(そう言うと思ってました。最も重要な神社のいくつかはご案内できますよ。)

❹I knew you’d show up with that!(お寿司食べてみたい!)

  • Visitor: We want to try authentic sushi.(本格的な寿司を食べてみたい。)
  • Guide: I knew you’d show up with that request! I’ll take you to a renowned sushi restaurant.(そのリクエストわかってました!有名な寿司屋にお連れてします。)

❺I knew you’d come through with that!(お祭りに参加したい!)

  • Visitor: We were hoping to find a local festival to attend.(地元のお祭りに参加したいと思っていたんです。)
  • Guide: I knew you’d come through with that request! There’s a festival happening this weekend.(そのご要望は想定してました!今週末お祭りがあります。)

❻I knew you’d pop in with that!(茶道体験してみたい!)

  • Visitor: We heard there’s a traditional tea ceremony here. Can we experience it?(ここには伝統的な茶道があると聞きました。体験できますか?)
  • Guide: I knew you’d pop in with that request! Let me arrange a tea ceremony for you.(そう言うと思ってました!お茶会を開きましょう。)





🔶今回も最後まで読んで頂き大変ありがとうございます。もし何かご意見やリクエストございましたらお気軽に『Help Desk』にてお声がけくださいませ。Gold🔶v.3c.4c.1a/+250130

  1. 【A】解説『そう来ると思ってました!』最頻出6表現
    1. 1. I was expecting you to bring that up!
    2. 2.I figured you'd say that!
    3. 3. I had a feeling you'd mention that!
    4. 4. I knew you'd show up with that!
    5. 5. I knew you'd come through with that!
    6. 6.I knew you'd pop in with that!
    7. 【A】ALL:全6フレーズ連続音声
  2. 【B】日常会話6例(Private Situations:私生活)
    1. ❶I was expecting you to bring that up!(休暇の相談をされて)
    2. ❷I figured you'd say that!(ハイキングの話をされて)
    3. ❸I had a feeling you'd mention that!(趣味の自慢をされて)
    4. ❹I knew you'd show up with that!(ゲームの自慢をされて)
    5. ❺I knew you'd come through with that!(お土産持ってきてくれて)
    6. ❻I knew you'd pop in with that!(写真撮りに誘われて)
    7. 【B】ALL:全6会話連続音声
  3. 【C】日常会話6例(Professional Situations:職場)
    1. ➀I was expecting you to bring that up!(プロジェクトの提案されて)
    2. ➁I figured you'd say that!(ワークショップの相談されて)
    3. ➂I had a feeling you'd mention that!(納期の問題を出されて)
    4. ➃I knew you'd show up with that!(レポートの報告をされて)
    5. ⑤I knew you'd come through with that!(仕事の自慢をされて)
    6. ⑥I knew you'd pop in with that!(いきなりお願いされて)
    7. 【C】ALL:全6会話連続音声
  4. 【D】訪日外国人ご案内@6例文
    1. ❶I was expecting you to bring that up!(地元料理食べたい!)
    2. ❷I figured you'd say that!(歌舞伎が観たい!)
    3. ❸I had a feeling you'd mention that!(神社もっと知りたい!)
    4. ❹I knew you'd show up with that!(お寿司食べてみたい!)
    5. ❺I knew you'd come through with that!(お祭りに参加したい!)
    6. ❻I knew you'd pop in with that!(茶道体験してみたい!)
    7. 【D】ALL:全6会話連続音声
    8. 御礼🔶後書き
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