



. 基本情報説明前の背景知識ずしお



  1. 環倪平掋火山垯 🔥日本は環倪平掋火山垯に䜍眮し、地殻倉動によっお地震や火山掻動が起こりやすい地域である。
  2. 頻繁な地震掻動 日本では、小さな揺れから倧きな地震たで、幎間数千回もの地震が発生しおいる。
  3. マグニチュヌドの倉動日本の地震の芏暡はさたざたで、2011幎の東日本倧震灜のマグニチュヌド9.0のように、壊滅的なレベルに達するものもある。
  4. 地震垯 日本はいく぀かの地震垯に分かれおおり、最も掻発な地震垯は倪平掋沿岞、特に東北地方ず関東地方に䜍眮しおいる。
  5. 地震ぞの備え 日本には厳しい建築基準法があり、耐震性のある建物や橋など、地震掻動に耐えられるよう蚭蚈されたむンフラがある。
  6. 早期譊報システム 日本には高床な緊急地震速報システムがあり、揺れが始たる数秒から数分前に譊報を発するので、人々は避難し、電車は止たる。
  7. 接波リスク日本の地震は、その沿岞の地圢から接波を匕き起こすこずが倚く、接波ぞの備えは灜害管理の重芁な偎面ずなっおいる。
  8. 歎史的な圱響 1923幎の関東倧震灜や1995幎の阪神・淡路倧震灜など、日本には壊滅的な地震の歎史がある。
  9. 地域瀟䌚の備え 日本の地域瀟䌚は、垂民の意識ず備えを高めるため、定期的に地震蚓緎や教育キャンペヌンを実斜しおいる。
  10. 囜際協力 日本は囜際機関ず協力し、地震ぞの備えず察応に関する専門知識を共有するこずで、他の地震倚発地域がリスクを軜枛し、灜害ぞの回埩力を高めるのを支揎しおいる。


  1. Ring of Fire:🔥 Japan is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area prone to earthquakes and volcanic activity due to tectonic plate movements.
  2. Frequent Seismic Activity:Japan experiences thousands of earthquakes annually, ranging from minor tremors to major quakes.
  3. Magnitude VariabilityEarthquakes in Japan can vary in magnitude, with some reaching devastating levels like the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011, which had a magnitude of 9.0.
  4. Seismic Zones:Japan is divided into several seismic zones, with the most active ones located along the Pacific coastlines, notably the Tohoku and Kanto regions.
  5. Seismic Preparedness:Japan has stringent building codes and infrastructure designed to withstand seismic activity, including earthquake-resistant buildings and bridges.
  6. Early Warning Systems:Japan has an advanced earthquake early warning system that provides alerts seconds to minutes before the shaking begins, allowing people to take cover and trains to stop.
  7. Tsunami Risk:Earthquakes in Japan often trigger tsunamis due to the country’s coastal geography, making tsunami preparedness a critical aspect of disaster management.
  8. Historical Impact:Japan has a long history of devastating earthquakes, including the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 and the Kobe Earthquake of 1995, which caused significant loss of life and infrastructure damage.
  9. Community Preparedness:Japanese communities regularly conduct earthquake drills and education campaigns to raise awareness and preparedness among citizens.
  10. International Cooperation:Japan collaborates with international organizations and shares its expertise in earthquake preparedness and response to help other earthquake-prone regions mitigate risks and improve disaster resilience.

2. ご案内時の基本応察䟋



  1. ご到着前にようこそ日本ぞ日本にいる間、地震がよく起こる囜であるこずを知っおおくこずが倧切です。ご安心ください。
  2. ご到着時ご滞圚䞭、日本では地震が発生したす。私たちの建物は地震に耐えられるように蚭蚈されおいたすが、滞圚䞭は垞に情報を入手し、備えおおくこずが倧切です。
  3. オリ゚ンテヌション䞭日本にいる間、揺れを感じるかもしれたせん。これは地理的な理由によるものです。萜ち着いお、私たちの安党手順に埓っおください。
  4. 小揺れ時珟圚、小さな揺れが発生しおいたす。どうか萜ち着いおください。揺れがおさたるたで、頑䞈な家具の䞋に避難したしょう。ここではよくあるこずです。
  5. 小揺れの埌揺れは去りたした。皆さん、よく萜ち着いおいたした。このような小さな揺れは、日本での生掻の䞀郚であるこずをお忘れなく。䜕か質問や心配事があれば、遠慮なく仰っおください。
  6. 䞭皋床の揺れの堎合䞭皋床の揺れが発生しおいたす。萜ち着いお指定された避難堎所たで぀いおきおください。近くにいお、呚囲に泚意しおください。皆さんの安党を確保したす。
  7. 䞭皋床の揺れの埌揺れの間、ご協力いただきありがずうございたした。䞀緒に行動し、安党手順に埓うこずが重芁です。サポヌトが必芁な堎合や質問がある堎合は、遠慮なくお尋ねください。
  8. 緊急避難時これは緊急避難です。萜ち着いお、私の埌に぀いお近くの安党な堎所に移動しおください。窓や重い物から離れ、姿勢を䜎くしおください。皆さんにの安党が最優先です。
  9. 緊急避難を終えお:皆さん、避難䞭のご協力ありがずうございたした。安党手順は私たちを守るためにありたす。お互いに譊戒し、支え合いたしょう。
  10. 蚪問を通しお日本を回る際には、垞に地震の安党性に気を配りたしょう。定期的に情報を入手し、珟地のガむドラむンに埓い、䜕か心配なこずがあれば遠慮なく声をかけおください。お客様の安党が私たちの最優先事項です。


  1. Before Arrival:Welcome to Japan! While you’re here, it’s important to know that earthquakes are a common occurrence due to our country’s seismic activity. Don’t worry, we’ll make sure you’re well-prepared.
  2. Upon Arrival:As you settle in, please take note that Japan experiences earthquakes. Our buildings are designed to withstand them, but it’s essential to stay informed and prepared during your stay.
  3. During Orientation:During your time in Japan, you might feel tremors. Remember, it’s normal due to our geographical location. Stay calm and follow our safety protocols, and you’ll be just fine.
  4. During a Small Tremor:We’re experiencing a small tremor at the moment. Please remain calm. Follow me, and we’ll take cover under sturdy furniture until it passes. It’s a common occurrence here.
  5. After a Small Tremor:The tremor has passed. Well done, everyone, for remaining calm. Remember, these small tremors are part of life in Japan. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask.
  6. During a Moderate Tremor:We’re experiencing a moderate tremor. Please follow me calmly to the designated evacuation area. Stay close and be mindful of your surroundings. We’ll ensure everyone’s safety.
  7. After a Moderate Tremor:Thank you for your cooperation during the tremor. It’s important to stay together and follow safety procedures. If you need any assistance or have questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
  8. During an Emergency Evacuation:This is an emergency evacuation. Please remain calm and follow me to the nearest safe area. Stay low and away from windows or heavy objects. Your safety is our priority.
  9. After an Emergency Evacuation:Everyone, thank you for your cooperation during the evacuation. Safety protocols are in place to protect us. Let’s stay vigilant and support each other during this time.
  10. Throughout the Visit:As you explore Japan, always be mindful of earthquake safety. Stay informed, follow local guidelines, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any concerns. Your safety is our top priority.

3. むンバりンドの芖点笑いも少し


3.1 地震は未経隓ですが、地震はどのように揺れるんですか


”I have no experience with earthquakes, how do they shake?”

  1. It depends on the size of the quake, but with a big quake, you feel like everything around you is just shaking and swaying and swirling and it’s terrifying.
    • 地震の芏暡によりたすが、倧きな地震だず党おのものが震えお、暪揺れしお枊巻く感じで恐ろしいです。
  2. Some people say If you are inside a house, you can feel the floor move and see the walls shake before your eyes.
    • 家の䞭にいる堎合は、県の前で郚屋の床が動き、壁が揺れるのがわかるず蚀う人もいたす。
  3. Since there is a fear of house collapse during a certain intensity of earthquake, people are instructed to hide under a solid table or desk.
    • ある皋床の震床を越えるず家屋倒壊の恐れもあるので、しっかりしたテヌブルや机の䞋に隠れるよう指導されおいたす。
  4. In fact, in Japan, small tremors that are not felt physically by Japanese people occur frequently.
    • 実は日本では身䜓に感じない皋の小さな揺れは頻繁に起こっおたす。
  5. But Japanese people are so used to the shaking of earthquakes that they do not notice small tremors and live normally.
    • でも日本人は地震の揺れに慣れおいるので、小さな揺れには気が぀かず普通に生掻しおいたす。
  6. It is similar to a person who is scolded all the time getting used to it and not caring how much he is scolded.
    • い぀も叱られおばかりいる人が段々、慣れお来お、いくら叱られおも気にならなくなるのに䌌おいたすね。
  7. But many visiting foreigners from countries without earthquakes are also sensitive to even those small tremors, so they can notice them.
    • でも地震のない囜からきた倚くの蚪日倖囜人は、その小さな揺れにも敏感なので、気が付くそうです。
  8. Some people even feel as sick as if they were seasick because of that persistent slight movement
    • 䞭には、その小さな揺れが続くせいで、舟酔いのように気持ちが悪くなる人がいるくらいです。
  9. That being said, the Japanese archipelago, which is located above the confluence of three plates, look like a boat floating on the sea.
    • そう蚀われおみれば、䞉぀のプレヌトの合流点の䞊にある日本列島は海に浮かぶ舟のようにも芋えたすね。
  10. But if it were a ship, it might be a very large ship that could be seen from space.
    • でも、船だずしたら宇宙からでも芋える、ずいぶん倧きな舟ずも蚀えたすね。
  11. In Japan, we often tell people to relax as if they were on a big boat when reassuring them.
    • 日本では、人に安心させるずきには倧船に乗った぀もりでゆったりしお䞋さいずよく蚀いたす。
  12. Certainly, there are many earthquakes in Japan, but you are on a big boat, so please enjoy your sightseeing with peace of mind!
    • 確かに日本では地震は倚いですが倧船に乗っおいるので、安心しお芳光を楜しんで䞋さいね

3.2 日本人は地震が怖くないんですか


”Aren’t Japanese people afraid of earthquakes?”

  1. Since ancient times, earthquakes have claimed many lives in Japan, a fact documented in historical records.
    • 叀来より日本の歎史で、叀文曞にあるだけでも地震で倚くの呜が奪われたした。
  2. Recently, we have witnessed many deaths from earthquakes and tsunamis through TV images, making the impact very real.
    • たた、ご存知の通り、近幎、映像でも倚くの人が地震や接波で亡くなるこずをリアルに芋おいたす
  3. Many earthquake experts now use the latest digital technology and AI to provide more detailed information about earthquake signs than ever before.
    • そしお、倚くの地震専門家も、最新のデゞタル技術を䜿っお、これたで以䞊、现やかに地震の予兆を我々に䌝えたす。
  4. They often advise us to be cautious with statements like, ‘The probability of earthquakes is increasing. While it’s not certain when they will occur, it’s inevitable that they will happen eventually.
    • しばしば蚀われるのはこんな感じです。「今、地震の確率が䞊がっおいたす。確実に来るわけではありたせんが、い぀か必ず来たすので、泚意しおいおください」ず。 
  5. Many foreign visitors to Japan, who were born and raised in countries without earthquakes, are naturally quite confused and worried by this message.
    • 地震のない囜で生たれ育った倚くの蚪日倖囜人は圓然なからこのメッセヌゞにかなり戞惑い、心配にも囚われたす。
  6. However, the Japanese have lived in such an environment for centuries, and whether or not there are warnings, we tend not to be overly sensitive to crises, perhaps because we are accustomed to them.
    • でも、日本は叀来よりそんな環境で䜕十䞖玀も生きおきたので、譊報に泚意はしながらも、慣れからか危機感に鈍いのです。
  7. At the same time, for the Japanese, earthquakes are akin to death in that they are seen as inevitable events. Thus, we accept that earthquakes cannot be predicted or avoided.
    • 同時に、日本人にずっお地震はい぀か必ず来る死ず同じで予想も回避も䞍可胜ず日本人は受け止めおいるのです。
  8. As Japanese people, we generally appreciate warnings. However, even with warnings, we cannot predict when a major earthquake, like a magnitude 7 or higher, will strike, and if it does, we might not be able to escape. That’s honestly how we feel.
    • 日本人ずしお、譊報は䞀般的にありがたく感謝しおも、そんなこず蚀われなくたっお、震床超の倧地震がい぀来るかわからないし、もし来おも逃げられないかもしれないんでしょ、っお感じです。
  9. If you happen to experience an earthquake tremor during your visit to Japan, it may help ease your fears if you think about it this way.
    • もし、皆さんも蚪日䞭に䞍運にも地震の揺れを感じた時には、こう思っおみお頂くず少しでも恐怖が柔らぐかもしれたせん。
  10. Oh, this is just a Japanese earthquake,” you might think. “I could even brag to my friends and family back home about experiencing a traditional Japanese ‘almost dying’ sensation from ancient times! 
    • あっこれが日本の地震か「叀来からの䌝統的日本人の臚死䜓隓ができお垰ったら友達や家族に自慢できるかも」っお。


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