



👉タイトルの各語について:①「サバ/青背魚」⇒”mackerel/blueback fish” 、➁「豊富な良質脂肪」⇒”rich in good fats”、➂「焼鯖定食」⇒”set menus of grilled mackerel”、➃「サバ味噌煮」⇒” mackerel simmered in miso”と言うことが可能です。



本編ブログでは2部構成(1. この一言で腑に落ちる?2.次の補足でご納得?)に分かれ、英語音声も各文毎に分かれていますが、この演習ツールではファイルを絞る為、1と2夫々2ファイルの構成になっています。また日本語だけ演習向けに(不自然にならない範囲で日英の語順を合わせる様に)編集しています。 



1. この一言で腑に落ちる?:日英×4セット



1. この一言で腑に落ちる?:日×4セット



1. この一言で腑に落ちる?:英×4セット



1. この一言で腑に落ちる?:英×4セット


1. この一言で腑に落ちる?

1 日本ではサバは古来より食されていて、現代でも料理屋ばかりでなく家庭でも欠かせない魚で、焼き魚、煮魚、押し寿司、〆鯖等様々な料理で楽しめます。

  • Mackerel has been eaten in Japan since ancient times, and even today it is an indispensable fish not only in restaurants but also at home, where it can be enjoyed in a variety of dishes such as grilled fish, boiled fish, pressed sushi, and vinegared mackerel.

2 鯖は1年中、日本近海で漁獲される為、庶民の大衆魚の代表でしたが、最近は特定の海域で捕れる高級ブランドサバも普及していて、美味しいけれどその高さに驚く時もあります。

  • Mackerel is caught year-round in the seas around Japan and has long been a popular fish for the masses, but recently there has been a proliferation of high-end brand-name mackerel caught in certain waters, which are tasty but sometimes surprisingly expensive.

3 サバは青背魚の中でも最もたんぱく質が多く、旬の時期にはイワシやサンマ以上に良質の脂肪も豊富で健康志向の方にお勧めです。

  • Mackerel has the highest protein content of all blueback fish, and when in season, it is also richer in good fats than sardines and saury, making it a good choice for health-conscious people.

4 サバは居酒屋の酒のおつまみだけでなくレストランでも人気で、サバ焼き定食やサバ味噌煮定食は多くの日本人のソールフードです。

  • Saba, mackerel, is popular not only as a snack at izakaya (Japanese-style pubs) but also in restaurants, where set menus of grilled mackerel and mackerel simmered in miso are staple dishes enjoyed by many Japanese people.

5 秋から冬にかけての旬のサバは脂が乗っていて甘みがあり、新鮮なサバが刺身や寿司種として食されていますが、冷凍技術と物流が未発達の昔では考えられない事です。

  • Mackerel in season from fall to winter is fatty and sweet, and fresh mackerel is eaten as sashimi and sushi, which would have been unthinkable in the past when freezing technology and logistics were not yet developed.

6 サバは他の魚に比べて早く痛みやすいので、日本人は古代より塩や酢を使って保存性を高めて来ましたが、それはそのまま現代の珍味として多くの訪日外国人にも食されています。

  • Since mackerel tends to spoil more quickly than other fish, the Japanese have used salt and vinegar to preserve it since ancient times, and it is still enjoyed by many visitors to Japan as a modern delicacy.



1 サバの下ごしらえには魚を右身、左身、中骨の3つに切り分ける手法がありますが、プロと素人の差がサバの切り口で判る時があり、それは味付けでは誤魔化せません。

  • In preparing mackerel, there is a method of cutting the fish into three pieces (right meat, left meat, and the middle bone), and sometimes the difference between a professional and an amateur can be seen in the cut of the mackerel, which cannot be disguised by seasoning.

2 日本の料理人は材料に応じて使いやすい包丁を選びますが、高級料理店の料理人は単に魚専用の出刃包丁だけでなく、鯖(サバ)専用の包丁も使い芸術的と思われるレベルの料理を作りますが、お客様もその芸術性に見合った費用を覚悟しなければなりません。

  • Japanese chefs choose knives that are easy to use depending on the ingredients, but chefs at high-end restaurants use not just fish-specific carving knives but also saba (mackerel)-specific knives to create dishes that are considered artistic in nature, and customers must be prepared to pay the cost of such artistry.



  • In Japanese haiku, “saba” (mackerel) is the seasonal word for summer, and is often used to describe a boat fishing for mackerel or the sea in which mackerel swim, in order to enhance the realism of the seascape before one’s eyes.


1 鯖はカロリー高めなので、ダイエット中には敬遠されがちですが、不飽和脂肪酸が豊富で、血液をサラサラにして中性脂肪を減らし、痩せやすい身体になるので、いつもオシャレな服を気にかけている方にはお勧めかもしれません。

  • Mackerel is often avoided in controlled diets due to its high calorie content. However, it is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which can help thin the blood, reduce neutral fat, and facilitate weight loss. Therefore, it might be recommended for those who are always interested in fashionable clothes.

2 サバは地味なイメージですが、そのイメージに合わせたイラストや漢字をデザイン化してプリントしたTシャツが服飾店やオンラインショップで販売されていて、地味に目立ちたい人にピッタリです。

  • Saba has a humble image, but T-shirts designed and printed with illustrations and kanji characters that match this image are available at clothing stores and online stores, and are perfect for those who want to stand out from the crowd in a humble way.


1 しめ鯖の刺し身は、サバを塩と酢で締めるのですが、特に人気があって、それは切り目に見える脂肪と血合いの層がたまらず、酢で和くなった身が口の中でとろける感触が味わえるからです。

  • The shime saba sashimi, seasoned mackerel with salt and vinegar, is particularly popular because the layers of fat and blood visible in its cross-section are tempting, and its meat, softened by vinegar, melts in the mouth.

2 焼きサバの押し寿司は 日本の駅弁の中で大人気で、圧巻の美味しさなのですが、焼いたサバの汁と香りが、その土台の酢飯に沁み込んで一つに凝縮されているんですよ。

  • The grilled mackerel pressed sushi, which is very popular among Japanese ekiben,train station bento boxes, is a masterpiece of taste, with the juices and aroma of grilled mackerel sinking into the vinegared rice at its base and condensed into one delicious dish!


1 日本には色々な物資を古都京都に運ぶ為の輸送路があり、その名は鯖街道と名付けられましたが、シルクロードと絹の関係の様に日本人の鯖への想いがわかります。

  • In Japan, there was a transportation route used to bring various goods to the ancient capital of Kyoto, and it was named the Saba Kaido (mackerel road) .Like the relationship between the Silk Road and silk, it shows the Japanese people’s love for mackerel.

2 日本には「秋鯖は嫁に食わすな」というミステリアスなことわざがあり、美味しいから勿体という、嫁を余所者扱いする説と、腐りやすいから子孫を増やす嫁をいたわる説があり、日本文化によく見られる矛盾する性格を表しています。

  • In Japan, there is a mysterious proverb, ‘Don’t feed autumn mackerel to your wife.’ Some interpret it as considering the mackerel too good for the wife, treating her as an outsider, while others suggest it’s easy to spoil, encouraging the wife to procreate. This proverb encapsulates the contradictory nature often found in Japanese culture.

3 日本の西南部には複数の海流が合流してプランクトンが豊富な海域があり、そこで捕れた鯖は脂が乗って美味しく高値がつくので、個々の魚にシールを貼って商標管理をしています。日本人ってホントに几帳面ですね!

  • In the southwestern part of Japan, there is an area where several ocean currents converge and plankton is abundant. Mackerel caught in this area are fatty and tasty, and fetch a high price, so a seal is put on each fish to manage the trademark. The Japanese are really meticulous!




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