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- 6.菱櫓(ひしやぐら)
- 6.0 菱櫓説明の主ポイント
- 6.1 インバウンドの視点
- 6.2 笑いが取れるかも?説明例
“Hishi Yagura/ Diamond shaped tower “

6.0 菱櫓説明の主ポイント
- 菱形になっていますが、外見からはわかりません。
- 金沢城で最も高い櫓で天守閣として位置付けられています。
- しかしながら、取り立てて高くないので印象に残りません。
- 北東に向いて鬼門除けの構造になっています。
- 中に入ると菱形構造がわかります。
- It is shaped like a diamond, not a square, but you can’t tell from the outside.
- It is the highest turret in the castle and serves as the main keep.
- However, it is not particularly tall, and not so impressive.
- It faces northeast and is designed to ward off evil spirits.
- Once inside, you can see the diamond-shaped structure.
6.1 インバウンドの視点
👉👉再確認!《櫓》(yagura):guard tower / watch tower / lookout tower / storage rooms / turret(🔶天守閣も櫓の一種と言えますので”tower”は共通単語です。大きな違いは天守閣が見張りと権威誇示の為、櫓は倉庫を兼ねた実用性。なので “storage room”も場合によっては使います。)
6.2 笑いが取れるかも?説明例
“What is this tower(turret), Hishi Yagura?”
play the role of donjon(天守の役割を果たす)improve monitoring capacity(監視力を高める) Both sides of the obtuse angles(鈍角を挟む両面) a wide field of view(広い視野) face northeast(北東に向く) the direction of bad luck(鬼門)as its name suggests(その名の通り)solid for defense(守りが固い)
- This tower called Hishi Yagura, meaning a diamond- shaped turret, is the highest tower here.
- 菱櫓は金沢城で最も高い櫓です
- This tower plays the role of donjon, as this castle doesn’t have it.
- 天守閣がない金沢城でその役割を果たしています。
- According to some experts, the purpose of Diamond shape is to improve its monitoring capacity.
- 専門家によると菱形は監視力を高めるためと言われています。
- Both sides of the obtuse angles(wider angles) have a wide field of view.
- 鈍角(広い角度)を挟む両面は広い視野を確保できます。
- This turret faces northeast, the direction of bad luck in Japan, intending to protect the castle from evil spirits.
- この櫓は鬼門の北東方向を向いて凶運から城を守ろうとしています。
- The tower, as its name Diamond suggests, is not only hard but also solid for defense.
- ダイヤモンドの名の通り、硬いだけでなく守りも固いのです。
“What can we see in this tower?” / “What is the layout of this building?” / What kind of structure is it?”
a three-story building(三階建屋)be equivalent to(相当する)in height(高さで) a lookout tower.(見張り台)loopholes for archers(狭間)enjoy panoramic views(眺望を楽しむ)the castle grounds(城郭)enter from the back(裏から入る)the sensation of being surrounded(囲まれる感覚)During crowded times(混雑時) the concentration of carbon dioxide(二酸化炭素濃度)
- It is a three-story building, and would be equivalent to a seven-story apartment building in height.
- これは3階建てで、マンション七階位の高さです。
- The first and second floors were used as a storage area for weapons and other supplies, while the third floor served as a lookout tower.
- 1,2階は武器備品倉庫として、3階は見張り台として使われました。
- The turret walls are thick and contain loopholes for archers to defend the castle.
- 防御の為、壁は厚く、矢の穴もあります。
- Visitors can climb the tower to enjoy panoramic views of the castle grounds and the city of Kanazawa.
- 櫓に上り、城郭や金沢市内の眺望が楽しめます。
- If you have time, you can enter from the back and potentially experience the sensation of being surrounded by diamonds.
- もし、お時間があれば、この裏から、はいれますが、中で、ダイヤモンドに囲まれた感覚を、経験できるかもしれませんね。
- During crowded times, the concentration of carbon dioxide inside the building increases, although not enough to create real daimonds.
- 中が混んでいるときは、二酸化炭素濃度が高いので。ダイヤモンドができる程ではありませんけど。
- It’s a three-story building, which is equivalent in height to a seven-story apartment.
- The first two floors stored weapons and supplies, and the third floor served as a lookout tower.
- The turret walls have thick walls with archer loopholes for defense.
- Visitors can ascend the tower to enjoy panoramic views of the castle and Kanazawa city.
- If time allows, you can enter from the back and experience the sensation of being surrounded by diamonds.
- During crowded times, carbon dioxide levels rise, but not to the extent of creating real diamonds.

”How do people deal with the unlucky direction in a building?”
The direction of the northeast(北東方向)an unlucky direction(不吉な方角)L-shaped indentations(L型の凹み)to ward off evil spirits(邪気を払う)complete symmetry / perfect left-right symmetry.(完全対称)to invite evil spirits(邪気を誘う) since ancient times(古来より)asymmetrical(非対称)If you think about it(考えてみれば)invite unhappiness(不幸を招く)fall into perfectionism(完全主義に陥る)air raids during World War II(第二次大戦の空襲)
- The direction of the northeast is called “Kimon” in Japanese.
- 日本では北東方向を鬼門と呼びます。
- It is also known as the “demon’s gate” and is considered an unlucky direction in Japanese culture.
- 鬼の門としても知られ、日本文化では不吉な方角と考えられています。
- Japanese buildings sometimes have L-shaped indentations at the northeast to ward off evil spirits.
- 日本建築では、邪気を払う為、鬼門に向いた場所に凹みを設けられます。
- In Japan, there has been a tendency to dislike complete symmetry, as it is believed to invite evil spirits since ancient times.
- 日本では古来より 完全なものをは邪気を誘いやすいとして嫌う傾向があります 。
- Therefore, for example, shrines and temples were often intentionally designed to be asymmetrical, avoiding perfect left-right symmetry.
- なので、例えば神社やお寺では意図的に左右完全対象を避け非対称で作られました。
- If you think about it, humans too can invite a lot of unhappiness when they fall into perfectionism.
- 考えてみれば人間も 完全主義に陥ると多くの不幸を招きますからね 。
- That’s why Kanazawa Castle had a L-shaped indentation near the diamond-shaped turret.
- それで 金沢城 では ひし形 櫓のところに L 型の凹みを設けました 。
- Thanks to that, Kanazawa didn’t experience air raids during World War II.
- そのおかげかもしれませんが 金沢には 第二次世界大戦の空襲がありませんでした。
- However, recently, I have a slight concern after Kanazawa Castle was completely restored.
- でも最近、金沢城が完全に復元されてから少し心配な事があります。
- The concern is that this indentation area too has been restored so perfectly and beautifully that it might invite evil spirits.
- この凹みの部分もあまりに完全で美しく復元されたので邪気を呼び込むのではないかと。
- In Japanese, northeast is called “Kimon.”
- It’s also known as the “demon’s gate” and is seen as unlucky in Japanese culture.
- Japanese buildings often have L-shaped indentations in the northeast to ward off spirits.
- In Japan, avoiding complete symmetry is common to prevent inviting evil spirits.
- This led to intentionally asymmetrical designs in shrines and temples.
- Humans too can bring unhappiness by chasing perfectionism.
- That’s why Kanazawa Castle had an L-shaped indentation near the diamond turret.
- Thanks to this, Kanazawa might not have faced air raids in World War II.
- However, there’s a concern coming up since this perfectly restored castle might invite evil spirits.
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