1. この一言で腑に落ちる?
1.1 忍者寺と呼ばれる別の理由?
- In fact, the temple has nothing to do with ninja, but there is a money box that can be used as a pitfall, hidden staircases, and hidden rooms throughout the temple that remind one of ninja. Moreover, the temple is dimly lit inside, so if you follow the guide and sneak around quietly, you may feel like a ninja exploring inside.
- 👉オーソドックスに基本情報でお誘いするパターンから。長いので2文に分けましたが通常は最初の文だけでOKでしょう。
1.2 色んな意味で騙される?
見た目は2階建のお寺に金沢城領主が時の政府の侵略に備えて敵の撹乱や砦の機能を織り込んで内部を7層建にしました。迷路の様な構造なので忍者寺と呼ばれますが、行って見たいと思いませんか? 行く価値はあるし、いろんな意味で騙されますよ!
- It appears to be a normal two-story temple, but in preparation for a potential invasion by the government of the time, the lord of Kanazawa Castle built a seven-layer structure inside to incorporate enemy distractions and fortification functions. It’s called the Ninja Temple because of its maze-like structure. Wouldn’t you like to go and see it? It’s worth it and you’ll be fooled in many ways!
- 👉人気のお寺ですが中には期待しすぎて騙されたと思う人もいるようでそれも踏まえた変化球パターンです。
1.3 忍者寺だから煙に巻く様なガイド?
- The temple is about 400 years old, but it was remodeled around that time into its present structure to serve as a military facility in times of emergency, especially by connecting it to Kanazawa Castle via an underground passageway. The explanation given by the guide in front of the well, which is said to have been used as a pathway, is a smoke screen story, similar to a ninja’s runaway technique. That atmosphere may have enhanced its reputation as the Ninja Temple.
- 👉ネタバレさせずぎり謎っぽく誘ってみましたが。
2.1 建築(匠:たくみ)系
- The deceptive structure of the Ninja Temple is popular and is the main focus, but naturally curved lumber was used among the beams to disperse the weight of winter snow. This shows the ingenuity of the craftsmen of the time, serving not only military purposes.
- 👉この大きな梁の反りも騙しじゃないの?って感じてしまう人もいる様です。
2.2 アート(美)系
- The Ninja Temple also has a tea room for the Kanazawa Castle lords and their families. There is a unique tokonoma (alcove) introducing motifs of a ‘full moon,’ ‘obscure clouds,’ and ‘Mt. Fuji.’ Apart from its artistic merit, it could be called ’emergency art’ to be enjoyed in times of emergency.
- 👉これも何となく嘘っぽく見える人もいるそうなので匠も泣いてます?
2.3 ファッション系
忍者寺のある金沢にはレンタル着物ショップが沢山ありますので是非着物姿でお寺巡りされたらと思います。でもその寺にふさわしい色を選ぶのは難しいかもしれません。 忍者の黒は言うまでもなく絶対NGですけど、白や明るい色は目立ちすぎて、魅力的な女忍者くノ一のように、こっそり嫉妬の視線を誘ってしまうとか。
- Kanazawa city, where the Ninja Temple is located, has many kimono rental stores, so how about visiting in a kimono? However, it might be difficult to choose an appropriate color for the temple. Needless to say, ninja black is an absolute no-no, but white or bright colors stand out too much, like Kuno-ichi, the attractive female ninja, inviting stealthy jealous stares.
- 👉定番のスタイルに自信のある方向けに。
2.4 フード系
- In the neighborhood of the Ninja Temple, there is Nishi Chaya-gai, one of Kanazawa’s three teahouse districts, where you can enjoy famous local tofu and sweets stores. However, make sure to visit the Ninja Temple first. The local treats are so delicious that you might forget to go to the Ninja Temple!
- 👉実際にありそうな話ですが、だから忍者寺は完全予約制になった?ってことはありません。
2.5 日本人系
- The Ninja Temple is stealthily located in the temple town, which was created by gathering about 70 temples scattered around to enhance the defenses of Kanazawa Castle. Even to many locals in Kanazawa, its location is surprisingly unknown. Therefore, the very existence of this temple sometimes seems as obscure as a ninja. When you enter the temple, you might feel that there is something hidden inside due to its indistinctive, dismal atmosphere. Moreover, this might remind you of the Japanese mentality of not speaking to others about really important matters, even in this age of the Internet and openness.
- 👉いつも通り日本人の特徴を使ったネタですが、この何?シリーズでも最長クラスで難しい内容なので、変わったトークをされたい時のご参考に。
落とし穴、隠し階段として☛as a pitfall, hidden staircases!中は薄暗く☛be dimly lit inside!こっそり歩きまわる☛sneak around quietly!敵の撹乱と要塞化機能☛ enemy distractions and fortification functions!迷路のような構造☛maze-like structure! 地下道を通って☛ via an underground passageway!煙に巻くような話☛a smoke screen story!騙しの構造☛The deceptive structure!冬の雪の重みを分散させる☛to disperse the weight of winter snow!薄暗い雰囲気☛ indistinctive, dismal atmosphere!