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English tourist information

Discover Kenroku-en Garden@Samurai city of Kanazawa:A Local Guide’s Shortest Overview! Intrigued? Come Visit! We’ll Be Waiting for U♥

This blog offers easily understandable introductory information about Kenroku-en Garden, renowned for its abundant beauty in the historic Samurai city of Kanazawa, Japan. If Intrigued, come and witness the allure of Kenroku-en in person!
English tourist information

Discover Shirakawa-go@Unusual World Heritage Site: A Local Guide’s Shortest Overview! Intrigued? Come Visit! We’ll Be Waiting for U♥

This blog provides easily understandable introductory information about the Shirakawa-go, the unusual World Heritage site nestled in an isolated mountainous area in Japan, preserving the essence of art. Aimed at all of you—foreign visitors, business guests, and students exploring Japan—I invite those intrigued by the following explanations to experience it firsthand. Come and witness the allure of Shirakawa-go in person!
English tourist information

Unlocking the Secrets of the Nomura House!Blog Tours by Local Guide in Kanazawa, Japan. Ready to Crack a Smile? If so,Visit Us!

How to explain the Nomura family in Kanazawa, famous for its former samurai residence, ancestral armor, and swords, to native speakers in English? Simple examples of expressions that make sense. Includes audio files of frequently used terms. Easy-to-understand explanations of expressions that appeal to the senses, not the mind.
English tourist information

Unlocking the Secrets of Kenrokuen Garden: Blog Tours by Local Guide in Kanazawa, Japan. Ready to Crack a Smile? If so,Visit Us!

This blog delves into Kenrokuen-Garden in samurai city of Kanazawa, preserving the essence of the Edo period. Unlike official sites that provide detailed and sophisticated introductory information, this blog takes on the form of a virtual (imaginary) tour guided by a local.
English tourist information

Unlocking the Secrets of Kanazawa Castle: Blog Tours by Local Guide in Kanazawa, Japan. Ready to Crack a Smile? If so,Visit Us!

Welcome to a virtual (imaginary) tour guided by a local! Since this is a fairly long tour, it is strongly recommended that you join only one part of this tour only when you want a change of pace. I hope you don't let this be a long and wrong tour.