Discover Kenroku-en Garden@Samurai city of Kanazawa:A Local Guide’s Shortest Overview! Intrigued? Come Visit! We’ll Be Waiting for U♥

English tourist information

This blog offers easily understandable introductory information about Kenroku-en Garden, renowned for its abundant beauty in the historic Samurai city of Kanazawa, Japan. Aimed at all of you—foreign visitors, business guests, and students exploring Japan—I invite those intrigued by the following explanations to experience it firsthand. Come and witness the allure of Kenroku-en in person!

Come and witness the allure of Kenroku-en in spring! ♥Photo by VISIT KANAZAWA

1. Does this one make it clear?

 For those of you who know nothing about Kenroku-en garden, I have compiled a one-sentence invitation message for you. If you find a message that appeals to you, please come to Kenroku-en and experience it for yourself!

Even in winter, visiting it makes anyone feel like a VIP? ♠ Photo by VISIT KANAZAWA
  • This Japanese garden was lavishly constructed by Japan’s wealthiest samurai lords for their VIP guests, and even today, visiting it makes anyone feel like a VIP.
🌹:Voice Assist by American Female Speaker
Anyone feel as though they are a part of its beauty and become beautiful themselves!
  • It is praised for having the largest volumes of beauty among all Japanese gardens; anyone who enters will feel as though they are a part of its beauty and become beautiful themselves.
🌹:Voice Assist by American young Female Speaker
Each spot offers a Da Vinci Code-like mystery of hidden agendas. This pond also have a mysterious secret!
  • Not only is this garden beautiful, with its seamless blend of natural plant life and man-made features such as ponds and stones, but each spot offers a Da Vinci Code-like mystery of hidden agendas.
🌹Voice Assist by Austrian Gentleman: Normal Speed

2.Does the following addendum convince you?

If the previous section didn’t capture your interest, fear not! I’ve delved deeper into each theme. If some of the messages intrigue you, please drop by it!

Architecture /Craftsmanship

The last palace of the Last Samurai period with its luxurious architectural style.  ♠ Photo by VISIT KANAZAWA
  • In the garden, a symbol of the prosperity of the Samurai period, remains the last palace of the Last Samurai period with its luxurious architectural style.
🌹:Voice Assist by Indian Female Speaker


The vast garden could be a humongous pot of bonsais, known as the ultimate in beauty!
  • The garden has about 400 pine trees, including some grown using the bonsai method. The vast garden, about twice the size of Japan’s largest baseball stadium (Tokyo Dome), could be a humongous pot of bonsais, known as the ultimate in beauty.
🌹Voice Assist by American gentleman : normal speed
What’s this?  Bold yet delicate? Created yet natural-looking
  • The name of this garden suggests six contrasting yet harmonious beauties: bold yet delicate, created yet natural-looking, beauty in the foreground and background. It creates a dreamy world where these contrasts coexist in harmony.
🌹:Voice Assist by British Female Speaker


In those days, the lords of the time, accompanied by their beautiful ladies, took a leisurely stroll!♥♥Photo by VISIT KANAZAWA
  • In those days, the lords of the time, accompanied by their beautiful ladies, took a leisurely stroll in this garden to enjoy the seasonal flowers and birdsong.How about feeling like a princess in a rental kimono?
🌹:Voice Assist by American Female Speaker


Tea houses and restaurants with the atmosphere of the time when this garden was created are scattered along the main street and in the garden!
  • Tea houses and restaurants with the atmosphere of the time when this garden was created are scattered along the main street and in the garden, where you can enjoy traditional local dishes and even gold leaf ice cream, which is popular among young people, as if feeling like a lord.
🌹Voice Assist by American gentleman : normal speed

The Japanese

It looks like hundreds of Christmas trees have appeared and so appealing. But ・・・?♥Photo by VISIT KANAZAWA
  • In winter, the Japanese hang ropes from the top of the tree to branches in their gardens, protecting them from the weight of the snow. In Kenrokuen-Garden, it looks like hundreds of Christmas trees have appeared and so appealing. But we can say it is a very Japanese scene, as the Japanese always do something for practical purposes.
🌹Voice Assist by a British gentleman : normal speed

Thank you & Afterwards

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